Book Review and Author Interviews, family devotions, Giveaway, Kid Ministry, My Faith, Parent and Child Connection

Stunning Giveaway for I WONDER by Glenys Nellist

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be hosting a give-away for Glenys Nellist’s latest release entitled, I Wonder. It is an illustrated Bible with artwork is by Alessandra Fusi, and the color palette that she chose is stunning!

Description: This is a product perfect for family devotions along with many other settings. There are 15 stories from the Old Testament and 15 stories from the New Testament.

At the end of each story are “I Wonder” questions that will foster deep discussions and spiritual growth for readers both young and old. I think they really help the reader step into the pages of the Bible and experience it on a more personal level.

For example: I love the story of the prodigal son. Here are the questions that follow that chapter, aren’t they beautiful?

I wonder… if the dad would ever have given up waiting for his son.

I wonder…how the son felt when his dad hugged him.

I wonder…if God is like that father.

Spend some time pondering those questions today and let God speak to your heart!


This giveaway is sponsored by the publisher, Zonderkidz, and is open to entrants living in the USA with a physical street address (no PO boxes.) 


1. Follow @mindybakerbooks and @glenysnellist on Instagram and leave a comment on any Instagram post this week about the give-away.

2. You can also tag a friend on any Instagram post this week for even more entries. One entry per tag.

3. Leave a comment on this blog post for an additional entry.

4. For 10 additional entries, follow this blog and/or subscribe to my mini-magazine. You will receive free bi-monthly content and also be notified of any new posts.

5. You must enter by 6pm EST on Friday, October 1, 2021. I will draw the winner and post the result here and on Instagram Saturday morning, October 2, 2021.


Here is a link to purchase the book!

You can find out more about Glenys at her website. She has loads of other wonderful titles!

I absolutely love how Zonderkidz produces free resources to accompany their books. The I Wonder Bible comes with a free Activity Pack and Coloring Pack. You can find those resources through the Zonderkidz website and through Glenys’s author website.

I wonder. Two simple words, but when you put them into practice, they invite deep thoughts and contemplation. I hope you can take some time today to reflect on God’s deep love for you. I think I’ll join you. I’m sure we will both be encouraged by this practice!

P.S. This is a BLOG HOP! The next stop is Deeper Kidmin (Brittany Nelson) Deeper KidMin (@deeperkidmin) Check it out starting October 4!

Book Review and Author Interviews, Instagram Round Ups, Parent and Child Connection

Instagram Book Review Round-Up #1

I’ve been posting a lot of new content on Instagram–you can find me @mindybakerbooks, but I wanted to have a way to share it on the blog, too!

So I created this ROUND-UP!

I plan to create more Round-Ups in the weeks to come.

For a sneak peek inside all of these books…check out the individual posts on my Instagram page @mindybakerbooks. I usually share a few photo spreads from the books I review.

Here are 6 books that I have reviewed in the past few months! Enjoy!

Instagram Book Review Round-Up

El amor es bondadoso by Laura Sassi and illustrated by Lison Chaperon–Little Owl wants to by Grammy some chocolates but ends up discovering what love is really about as in the Scripture 1 Corinthians 13. It really is a charming book! ¡Es un libro tan dulce y precioso…perfecto para niños que hablan español! **I recently went to a Zoom writer’s workshop hosted by Write2Ignite and Laura Sassi was the presenter. I won this book as a prize!! Woo hoo! It is available in Spanish or English (Love is Kind)

Firebird by Misty Copeland–I love the beautiful example of mentoring and being a role model in this gorgeous picture by Misty Copeland and illustrated by Christopher Myers. The illustrations capture the elegance and beauty of dance and the text shows the importance of dedication and hard work! You will be inspired…I know I was! It even made me spin and twirl a few times 🙂 But also it made me think of the children in my life that I want to cheer on to greatness!

Honeybee by Candace Fleming and illustrated by Eric Rohmann–Looking for a great non-fiction summer picture book? Try this title! The stunning illustrations will draw you in and the masterfully written text will keep you reading and learning because it is full of interesting information about– you guessed it– honeybees!

Song of the Old City by Anna Pellicioli and illustrated by Merve Atligan is a delight! Think “circular story” like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie but with an Istanbul flavor that is dripping with fun cultural details that will whisk the reader to a far off land!

Rock by Rock–The Fantastical Garden of Nek Chand by Jennifer Bradbury and illustrated by Sam Broughton is a true story of a man from Chandigarh, India who created a hidden art garden from the bits and bangles he collected on the city streets. Although Nek is no longer alive, his beautiful creation exists today and has become one of India’s treasures. I love the illustration style!I think this is a fascinating true story that can spark your child’s imagination. What could they create from the recycle bin? Why not gather some bits and bangles and create a masterpiece together–Nek Chand style!

Learn Arabic Words by MJ York–I love languages. One of my daughter’s just graduated with a minor in Middle Eastern studies and has learned to speak Arabic. Although I am normally drawn to Spanish materials, I thought this would be a fun way to connect with her and expand my horizons. When my kids were young, I found that they absorbed new language words so easily! Picture dictionaries like this one are a great way to infuse a little bit of new language into your family’s vocabulary and can spark great cultural conversations!

If you read these titles, let me know what you think of them!! Happy reading!!

Author life, Book Review and Author Interviews, Fun for kids, Giveaway, Parent and Child Connection

Interview with Laura Sassi and a GIVEAWAY of LITTLE EWE!

Little Ewe by Laura Sassi

Hey everyone! I am thrilled to welcome best-selling author Laura Sassi to my blog today. She has so much creativity and talent…I just love all of her publications. Today I am featuring her newest realease, Little Ewe. And, thanks to Beaming Books, I am giving away a copy of Little Ewe (details at the bottom of this post).

I have to tell you Laura, in case you didn’t know, I am a huge fan of your writing, and I also consider it an honor to call you a friend! Thank you very much for joining me. I know everyone is excited to hear your answers to my questions!

Thank you so much for having me, Mindy. It is wonderful to be here.

First of all, where did the idea for Little Ewe originate? What inspired you to write Little Ewe?

The little lamb, who I have named Little Ewe in my story, is inspired by one of my favorite of Jesus’ parables. Known as the parable of the lost sheep, or the parable of the ninety-nine, Jesus’s story is about a shepherd who realizes one sheep is missing, so he leaves the flock to find that one and bring it safely home.

As a child I loved this beautiful reminder that, like the shepherd in the parable, Jesus came to find the lost and, oh my, how wonderful it feels to be found. My hope is that, like Little Ewe in my story, readers of all ages will sense the comfort and joy of knowing that our Shepherd, too, wants to find us and care for us when we are lost.

That is such a wonderful Bible story. I am so glad that the Savior cares for us and searches for us when we are lost. Let’s talk writing for a moment. I am curious about your writing process. How do you shape a manuscript into its final form?

I let ideas percolate for a long time before writing by making lists, playing with possible plot twists, settings, points-of view etc For Little Ewe I also wanted to honor the original setting of the parable – the hills where Jesus walked – so my percolating stage included investigating to make sure the wonders my protagonist discovers along the way would have indeed been native to that time and place. My list included sparrows, figs, frogs, spiders and more! 

Because of all this time spent pre-writing, once I was ready to write, I wrote the entire (early version) in one sitting. But, the story, at that point was far from publishable. For starters, the earliest versions were far too long, involving not just a numeric climb, but also a countdown, which caused issues with pacing. Resolving these issues and making sure the story was the best it could be took time, lots of it.

So, in addition to ample percolating, I would say the use of a time filter is a key part of my writing process. Once I have a draft I’m happy with, I set it aside for several days, or weeks, before taking a re-look. This way, I approach each revision with fresh eyes. I repeat this process again and again until every word and moment pushes the story forward in a fun, meaningful way. I also ask for feedback along the way from my critique buddies. This has been the process for each and every story. It works!

I love the word percolating. And that is very good advice. I know it is easy to rush things instead of making sure that the story is as top-notch as it can be. I am also curious, what is your favorite illustration from the book and why?

It’s hard to pick a favorite spread because I think they all work together so well to enhance the story’s mood. However, at school visits, I’ve noticed that littlest readers, who feel sad when Little Ewe gets lost, especially love that next-to-last spread where Shepherd finds her. You can almost feel preschoolers’ relief at the sight of Little Ewe so snug in Shepherd’s hug. I also love the tender way Tommy depicts that moment, which is glowingly enhanced by his choice of sunset hues to capture the warmth of their reunion.

Laura’s favorite illustration

That is a beautiful illustration. I can really feel the love of the shepherd for his sheep. Laura, you have been doing this for awhile and have published many titles. What is your favorite thing about being a picture book author?

Good question. My favorite part of being a picture book author is the opportunity it gives me to connect with others through the sharing of story. This answer, of course, is maybe cheating a little bit, because this sharing of story involves many stages.  First is the stage of joyful observation, where I get to look at the world through my writer’s glasses, writing down little sparks of inspiration that might lead to a story. 

The next stage, at least for this picture book writer, is playing with those ideas in my notebook. Then comes the stage of writing and polishing and sending the stories off to my agent who sends them to publishers.  Then, if I’m blessed to have a story published, I get to enjoy the final stage of sharing that story with the world – through events etc.  So, I guess I should really say that I love everything about being a picture book author!  It’s my joy and my jam!

I love these pictures of you sharing your stories with the world. Your events look so interesting! If you are interested in doing an event with Laura, you can contact her via her website. Finally, one more question, do you have any future news you would like to share with us?   

Yes! I have a new book coming out with Zonderkidz just in time for Easter 2022.  It’s called BUNNY FINDS EASTER and it’s a board book, perfect for Easter baskets. Stay tuned for the cover reveal…coming soon to a blog near you!

Ooh! Congratulations! That is wonderful news! I can hardly wait to see the cover and hear more about it. Laura, thank you so much for taking the time to join me and answer my questions today! I am sure all of my readers will really enjoy this interview! Best wishes!

About the author:

Laura Sassi has a passion for telling stories in prose and rhyme. She is the author of five picture books including the best-selling GOODNIGHT, ARK (Zonderkidz, 2014), which was a 2015 Christian Book Award Finalist; GOODNIGHT, MANGER (Zonderkidz, 2015); DIVA DELORES AND THE OPERA HOUSE MOUSE (Sterling Children’s Books, 2018), which won First Honor Book for the 2019 Best in Rhyme Award; LOVE IS KIND (Zonderkidz, 2018), which was a 2020 Anna Dewdney Read Together Award Honor Book; and LITTLE EWE: THE STORY OF ONE LOST SHEEP (Beaming Books, 2021). In addition to books, she’s published over one hundred poems, stories, crafts, and articles in various children’s publications. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children, and a black Cockapoo named Sophie.

Connect with Laura on her website

Connect with Laura on Instagram

Connect with Laura on Facebook

Connect with Laura on Twitter

Buy Little Ewe

And now, drumroll please, details about the GIVE-AWAY!

Beaming Books has graciously provided one copy of Little Ewe to be awarded to someone who lives in the continental United States.

There are several ways to enter:

  1. For 10 entries, follow this blog! (If you do, you will receive a free mini-magazine called “Make the Time!” It has loads of “togetherness” ideas for parents and caregivers of little ones.
  2. For one entry, comment on this blog post!
  3. For one entry, comment on any Instagram post this week that pertains to this contest.
  4. After entering using one of the three methods above, an entry will be given if you follow both @mindybakerbooks and @Laurasassitales on Instagram. If you already follow both accounts, you will still receive the additional entry.
  5. Tag a friend or friends on any Instagram post this week that pertains to this contest. One entry per friend tagged.

NOTE: No entries will be accepted after 6pm EST on Friday, May 21, 2021.

Winner announced on Saturday morning 5/22/21 on both this blog and my Instagram account! Happy entering!

Note: This contest is not sponsored by Instagram.

Book Review and Author Interviews

Book Review: Snuggle Time Fall Blessings

Cover of Snuggle Time Fall Blessings

Author Glenys Nellist has teamed up with Illustrator Cee Biscoe and created the latest book in the Snuggle TIme series published by Zonderkidz. It is full of cozy fall rhymes and illustrations sure to warm your heart. My favorite page was:

Bonfire and s'mores with a Snuggle Time book!
Bonfire and s’mores with a Snuggle Time book!


Snuggle in your blanket,

Underneath the moon,

Watch the bonfire burning–

S’mores are ready soon!

The adorable parent and child bunnies watching the crackling fire made me think of all the wonderful family bonfires we have had over the years.

If you are the parent or grandparent of a little one, you will love to own this book! It is available on Amazon and many other book retailers.

Congratulations, Glenys! I wish you all the best with your writing!

Book Review and Author Interviews

Book Review of DADDY’S FAVORITE SOUND by Brock and Kinley Eastman

Daddy's Favorite Sound Cover
Cover of Daddy’s Favorite Sound

Daddy’s Favorite Sound is a wonderful new picture book by Brock and Kinley Eastman that would make the perfect Father’s Day gift. Filled with loving scenes of a daddy spending time with his daughter, the illustrations depict a warm, playful, and loving home environment.  Little Lion is on a quest to figure out what Daddy’s favorite sound could be. Here are some of her guesses:

A whistle,

Milk slurping,

A slinky,

Car horn,

Mechanical horse at the grocery store,

Bouncy ball,

Carrot crunching,

Sound of the wind,

Mane trimmer,

Fire in the fireplace,

Coffee maker,

Deflating balloon,


Gargling mouthwash,

Or the words “Daddy, I love you.” 

I’ll let you guess which one on the list is the correct answer! 

The book is perfect for a special read-aloud with Daddy, and invites the readers to playfully make the noises of the book as they read. You can imagine how much fun this could be to read together! You can purchase the book at this link: Daddy’s Favorite Sound on Amazon


Brock Eastman and his wife live in Colorado with their four kids, two cats, and leopard gecko. Brock is the author of The Quest for Truth series, the Sages of Darkness series, Showdown with the Shepherd in the Imagination Station series, and the novella Wasted Wood. He writes articles for FamilyFiction digital magazine and Clubhouse magazine. You may have seen him on the official Adventures in Odyssey podcast and on its Social Shout-Out. He was the first producer of and launched the Odyssey Adventure Club. Brock currently works for Compassion International, whose mission is to release kids from poverty worldwide. You can find out more about Brock and Kinley at Brock’s website: