Book Review and Author Interviews, Instagram Round Ups, Parent and Child Connection

Instagram Book Review Round-Up #1

I’ve been posting a lot of new content on Instagram–you can find me @mindybakerbooks, but I wanted to have a way to share it on the blog, too!

So I created this ROUND-UP!

I plan to create more Round-Ups in the weeks to come.

For a sneak peek inside all of these books…check out the individual posts on my Instagram page @mindybakerbooks. I usually share a few photo spreads from the books I review.

Here are 6 books that I have reviewed in the past few months! Enjoy!

Instagram Book Review Round-Up

El amor es bondadoso by Laura Sassi and illustrated by Lison Chaperon–Little Owl wants to by Grammy some chocolates but ends up discovering what love is really about as in the Scripture 1 Corinthians 13. It really is a charming book! ¡Es un libro tan dulce y precioso…perfecto para niños que hablan español! **I recently went to a Zoom writer’s workshop hosted by Write2Ignite and Laura Sassi was the presenter. I won this book as a prize!! Woo hoo! It is available in Spanish or English (Love is Kind)

Firebird by Misty Copeland–I love the beautiful example of mentoring and being a role model in this gorgeous picture by Misty Copeland and illustrated by Christopher Myers. The illustrations capture the elegance and beauty of dance and the text shows the importance of dedication and hard work! You will be inspired…I know I was! It even made me spin and twirl a few times 🙂 But also it made me think of the children in my life that I want to cheer on to greatness!

Honeybee by Candace Fleming and illustrated by Eric Rohmann–Looking for a great non-fiction summer picture book? Try this title! The stunning illustrations will draw you in and the masterfully written text will keep you reading and learning because it is full of interesting information about– you guessed it– honeybees!

Song of the Old City by Anna Pellicioli and illustrated by Merve Atligan is a delight! Think “circular story” like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie but with an Istanbul flavor that is dripping with fun cultural details that will whisk the reader to a far off land!

Rock by Rock–The Fantastical Garden of Nek Chand by Jennifer Bradbury and illustrated by Sam Broughton is a true story of a man from Chandigarh, India who created a hidden art garden from the bits and bangles he collected on the city streets. Although Nek is no longer alive, his beautiful creation exists today and has become one of India’s treasures. I love the illustration style!I think this is a fascinating true story that can spark your child’s imagination. What could they create from the recycle bin? Why not gather some bits and bangles and create a masterpiece together–Nek Chand style!

Learn Arabic Words by MJ York–I love languages. One of my daughter’s just graduated with a minor in Middle Eastern studies and has learned to speak Arabic. Although I am normally drawn to Spanish materials, I thought this would be a fun way to connect with her and expand my horizons. When my kids were young, I found that they absorbed new language words so easily! Picture dictionaries like this one are a great way to infuse a little bit of new language into your family’s vocabulary and can spark great cultural conversations!

If you read these titles, let me know what you think of them!! Happy reading!!