Kid Ministry, My Faith

This puzzling life…

Sometimes life doesn’t make sense. We look at the situations that we are experiencing and wonder where God is, or if he even cares at all. 

Other times, life seems quiet and blah. Doesn’t God have any special assignments for us? Why does everyone else seem to be “#blessed” when we feel “#forgotten.” 

Life can be puzzling!

This week in our Children’s Church lesson I taught on the life of Timothy. Timothy was born and raised in Lystra by a God-fearing mother and grandmother. One day the apostle Paul came to visit Timothy’s town, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, and he healed a man who couldn’t walk. All the people wanted to worship Paul, but Paul told them he was only a man, and that they should worship Jesus. This angered some of the townspeople, and they forced Paul to leave Lystra. 

Life of Timothy Puzzle

There is no way that young Timothy could have known at that first encounter with Paul that he would one day travel on an extensive missionary journey with him, nor could he have predicted that one day Paul would ask him to become the leader of the Christians in Ephasus. God had many wonderful things in store for Timothy’s life. But they didn’t all happen right away. 

We have the advantage of being able to look at Timothy’s life from start to finish and see how all of the puzzle pieces of his life “fit” together. 

I find it interesting that the Bible is silent about the years of Timothy’s life leading up to Paul’s invitation to travel with him on a missionary journey. What was going on during those years?

I marvel at Timothy willingness to say “yes” to Paul’s invitation to go with him on a missionary journey. He would have had to leave everything familiar behind, with no cell phone to keep in touch! 

Finally, I love Paul’s description of Timothy in Philippians where he says, “I have no one else like him.” It is evident that their journey together created a tightly knit bond of special friendship. 

In my own life, I need faith to believe that God has my “puzzle” planned, and that one piece at a time he is fitting it all together according to his masterful design.

When God is silent…that piece of the puzzle is there for a reason!

When a situation doesn’t work out the way I had hoped…that piece of the puzzle is there for a reason!

When I feel overlooked…that piece of the puzzle is there for a reason!

Fun for kids, Kid Ministry

Need a photo frame craft for kids?

This is an sample craft from my Free Downloadable Teaching Guide/Activity Kit available to accompany my book Mouse’s Christmas Gift.

Isn’t Mouse cute?

Step 1: Collect the needed items.

Idea: Let the kids decorate their own frame. You can purchase any Christmas foamies or use markers.

Step 2: Take the photos. Option: Have the kids pose with a battery operated candle, or the book.
Step 3: Print pictures, attach pictures to the frames, and give to the families the following meeting.

Fun for kids, Kid Ministry, Mouse's Christmas Gift

Need a fun idea for a family ministry outreach?

Need a fun idea for a family ministry outreach?

Idea: Host a “family” gingerbread house building party!

In early December I attended a fantastic event at Harbour Shores Church in Indiana. I was so impressed with how it was organized, and saw great potential for other churches to duplicate the morning with the families in their churches.

Step One– Invite families

Families registered online and decided if they ordered one, two, or more gingerbread house kits. They prepaid for the event.

Step Two– Buy supplies, light refreshments, and prepare the work space

Event organizers made sure to have work space set up in the church gym, and enough gingerbread kits for everyone.  In addition to the gingerbread house kits, extra frosting and toppings were provided and laid out at each work station.

Light breakfast food was served as the participants arrived. The menu included fruit, muffins, doughnuts, juice, and coffee.

There was also a station to do a sticker/coloring craft if the participants wanted to do so.

Families mingled, found their work stations, and ate their refreshments.

Step Three– Read a Christmas story and present the gospel

I attended the event and read Mouse’s Christmas Gift. This was a great way to introduce spiritual truth into the event. After the story, I took approximately 10 minutes to present the gospel, using an object lesson.

Step Four — DECORATE the gingerbread houses

After the devotional time, families worked together to decorate their gingerbread houses. So much fun and so many smiles!

The entire event lasted just under 2 hours.

Fun for kids, Kid Ministry, Mouse's Christmas Gift

Christmas Craft Idea from Mouse’s Christmas Gift Activity Guide

Interested in the contents of my FREE DOWNLOADABLE Mouse’s Christmas Gift Teaching Guide/Activity Pack?

Here is a SNEAK PEEK!

It’s easy! Draw a face on a small clothespin and wrap with a piece of felt. Tie with a string. Then use a tissue tube cut in half to make the manger. 

This sweet friend of mine enjoyed it! I bet your child will, too!