Author life, Fun for kids, Kid Ministry, My Faith

Retro Thursday Thoughts (Easter)…video content for families

I teach Children’s Church on a weekly basis at Hamilton Hills Church in Fishers, Indiana. During the COVID19 outbreak, we have not been able to meet. So…our leaders began creating fun video content for families. I thought I would share the content I created here on my blog. I hope it blesses you!

Empty Tomb Devotional Thought
Snack Idea: The Empty Tomb
Fun for kids, Kid Ministry, My Faith

Guest Post about THE CHOSEN…a must-see T.V. series about the life of Jesus

I am a guest blogger with Christian Children’s Authors. Check out my review of this T.V. series. I watched and re-watched these episodes during the COVID19 Pandemic and LOVED THEM! I can’t wait for season 2. You can get the free app and watch them on your phone, or right now on You Tube you can also watch them. I highly recommend.

Link to my Guest Blog Post

You can find out more about The Chosen TV series here

Jesus and Nicodemus
Jesus and Nicodemus
Book Review and Author Interviews, Kid Ministry

Book Review of QUINN SAYS GOODBYE by Christie Thomas

Cover of Quinn Says Goodbye
Quinn Says Goodbye

In Quinn Says Goodbye, written by Christie Thomas and illustrated by Sydney Hanson, Quinn meets a new friend, an injured firefly named Blink. She and her mother help the firefly heal. Quinn doesn’t understand why one evening, when she wakes up, Blink is gone. Mama is there to help comfort Quinn and reassure her that God promises to always be with us.

Quinn Says Goodbye is designed to help children cope with grief and loss. It includes a section in the back with conversation starter questions for parents and caregivers, to assist with those difficult discussions that occur in life.

I thought Quinn Says Goodbye was a sweet story, and I loved the illustrations. Quinn’s big eyes!! And the use of light was really eye-appealing. I was inspired to make a Pinterest Board of Owls and FIreflies. Maybe you will like one of the pins and want to try a craft with your child. Here is the link to the board.

I had the opportunity to meet Christie at a writing conference in May. She is full of ideas and energy, with a contagious smile and laugh. I really enjoyed getting to know her!

Christie, I wish you all the best with this book and all of your writing endeavors!

You can purchase book on Amazon and at other book retailers.

Author Christie Thomas
Author Christie Thomas

About the author:

Christie Thomas writes about cultivating authentic faith in the home. She is the author of Quinn’s Promise Rock and the interactive devotional book Wise for Salvation. She has also written for various websites, including the MOB Society and For Every Mom. Christie lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband and three boys. You can visit her website here.

Kid Ministry, My Faith

This puzzling life…

Sometimes life doesn’t make sense. We look at the situations that we are experiencing and wonder where God is, or if he even cares at all. 

Other times, life seems quiet and blah. Doesn’t God have any special assignments for us? Why does everyone else seem to be “#blessed” when we feel “#forgotten.” 

Life can be puzzling!

This week in our Children’s Church lesson I taught on the life of Timothy. Timothy was born and raised in Lystra by a God-fearing mother and grandmother. One day the apostle Paul came to visit Timothy’s town, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, and he healed a man who couldn’t walk. All the people wanted to worship Paul, but Paul told them he was only a man, and that they should worship Jesus. This angered some of the townspeople, and they forced Paul to leave Lystra. 

Life of Timothy Puzzle

There is no way that young Timothy could have known at that first encounter with Paul that he would one day travel on an extensive missionary journey with him, nor could he have predicted that one day Paul would ask him to become the leader of the Christians in Ephasus. God had many wonderful things in store for Timothy’s life. But they didn’t all happen right away. 

We have the advantage of being able to look at Timothy’s life from start to finish and see how all of the puzzle pieces of his life “fit” together. 

I find it interesting that the Bible is silent about the years of Timothy’s life leading up to Paul’s invitation to travel with him on a missionary journey. What was going on during those years?

I marvel at Timothy willingness to say “yes” to Paul’s invitation to go with him on a missionary journey. He would have had to leave everything familiar behind, with no cell phone to keep in touch! 

Finally, I love Paul’s description of Timothy in Philippians where he says, “I have no one else like him.” It is evident that their journey together created a tightly knit bond of special friendship. 

In my own life, I need faith to believe that God has my “puzzle” planned, and that one piece at a time he is fitting it all together according to his masterful design.

When God is silent…that piece of the puzzle is there for a reason!

When a situation doesn’t work out the way I had hoped…that piece of the puzzle is there for a reason!

When I feel overlooked…that piece of the puzzle is there for a reason!