This Round-up features main characters that are African American. You will love these books! If you would like a sneak peek inside to view more pages, go to my Instagram and find the corresponding tile.

Snow Globe Wishes–By Erin Dealey and illustrated by Claire Shorrock What a delightful rhyming winter book! I love the line about “grabbing hands with neighbors, strangers, sisters, brothers.” My heart resonated with the final page spread–Peace on Earth!
The Little Mermaid–by Jerry Pinkney. Do you love different variations of familiar stories? In this version the little mermaid makes friends with another girl instead of falling in love. I found the artwork to be very mesmerizing…so much beauty to take in on every page.
Cannonball–by Sacha Cotter and illustrated by Josh Morgan. I love how this book can say so much with so few words. May we all overcome our fears and find our courage to “cannonball” like the sweet main character in this simple but profound story.
Early Sunday Morning— by Denene Miller and illustrated by Vanessa Brantly Newton. I loved this sweet story about overcoming the fear of singing in front of others. The vibrant illustrations make the pages come alive. Spoiler alert: I loved it when her dad did end up coming to hear her sing at the end of the book.
I Am Every Good Thing I loved the positive messages, strong metaphors, and stunning artwork in this picture book by Derrick D. Barnes and illustrated by Gordon James. These are a few of the phrases that resonated with me. “I am every good thing that makes the world go round–you know like gravity.” “I am one eye open, one eye closed, peeking through a telescope.” “I am a cool breeze.” “I am a roaring flame of creativity.” “I am two bounces and a front flip off the diving board.” I am that smile forming on your face right now.” I am a highlight reel of magnificence.” “I am tight hugs.” “I am a force of nature. A miracle. A blessing.” Powerful writing!! I highly recommend!
Superhero Grandma–by Timothy Knapman and illustrated by Joe Berger This picture book has charming and playful images will make you smile and want to celebrate your own grandma. I loved the illustrations and how they showed this grandma really involved in her grandchildren’s lives. She was playful and fun, just the way I want to be as a grandma some day!