Today I am interviewing author Natalee Creech about her new picture book Nothing. If you haven’t seen this book, you should definitely put it on your list. It is darling, and best of all, packed full of TRUTH that can impact the hearts of the children in your life!
First, I have to ask, what inspired this story? And, in addition, what do you hope your readers take away from reading your book?
I started writing NOTHING when I was teaching first grade at a Christian school. I was always on the lookout for books (songs, poems etc.) that would reinforce our weekly Bible lesson and memory verse. It was easy to find books that focused on heroes of the Bible and well-known stories, but harder to find books about a specific verse or theological concept. I don’t think I had decided to try and become a published children’s author when I began writing NOTHING. Rather, it grew out of my teaching, my faith, and my hobby of writing poetry. When I did decide to pursue publishing, it was a piece that I continued to work on.
Ultimately, NOTHING is about God’s unconditional love. It reassures children that wherever they go they can never go away from his love, and they can never lose God’s love because of their actions. Readers may find that it’s also about forgiveness, grace, and parents’ unconditional love. Romans 8:38-39 is a powerful reassurance for children and adults alike. How amazing (and humbling!) that the God of the universe loves us, and that there is nothing in all creation that can separate us from that love!
That is a powerful truth for sure and an important take-away for all of us! My next question is to help new authors and writers. What advice would you give new authors for brainstorming story ideas?
If you are a picture book writer I would say to write down any glimpse of potential brilliance as soon as it comes to mind. It may or may not turn into a book, but if you don’t record it, you will surely forget it, no matter how many times you repeat it to yourself and promise yourself you will not! Yes, I am speaking from experience here, and, shamefully, it took multiple times to learn this lesson. Make it a habit to carry around a notebook because somehow this act heightens your general awareness. Just having the intention of writing ideas down tunes you in more closely to your surroundings. You might be surprised what you notice when you take the time to listen and see.
I love the notebook idea! I will have to try it. Would you mind describing your road to publication? How did you find your agent and publisher?
I have always loved children’s books; as a child, as a college student studying education, and as an adult before having children of my own. However, it took me a long time to admit to myself and to my family that writing for children was a dream I wanted to pursue. In 2015 I joined the SCBWI. I wrote while I was teaching full-time. When we moved from South Korea back to the United States for a few years I chose to find a job that didn’t occupy my mind outside of work hours as much as teaching did. I had a hard time turning off my teacher brain outside of school and wanted to have more creative energy for writing. Fortunately, the public library was hiring and it was the perfect place to work while taking steps toward becoming published. During the time I was in the U.S. I connected with my agent, Adria Goetz, through #faithpitch. I also wrote the manuscript which turned into my first picture book WHEN DAY IS DONE. (Beaming Books, February 2019) Adria sold NOTHING to Worthy Kids a few months later.
Congratulations! It is really fun to hear “road to publication” stories. Everyone’s journey is so unique. Also, I really loved the illustrations in your book. Do you have a favorite page/illustration in the book? If so, what is it and why? Did you submit your manuscript with any illustrative notes or did you leave it all up to your illustrator and publisher?
I love all of the illustrations! Joseph Cowman did an absolutely amazing job. I was nervous about the illustrations because they are so critical to a picture book’s success. We judge books – especially picture books – by their covers and illustrations every day. That being said, I didn’t submit any art notes with the manuscript.
Interestingly, my favorite illustration is part of a substory that I did not detail in the text. Near the end of the book a little girl joyously rides her bike through a garden of yellow tulips, totally decimating them in the act. On the next page she realizes what she has done and presents her father with a bouquet of the tulips. Then comes my favorite illustration with the text: “You’re loved and forgiven. What a wonderful thing! You’re adopted as God’s own. You’re a child of the King!” You see the girl, lifted high in her father’s hands as he spins her around. The girl wears a garland of yellow tulips on her head. I love the symbolism of the flowers as a crown, matched to the text about being a child of the King. I also love that the tulips, representing her sin, through grace become a symbol of redemption. Even though the idea of forgiveness and redemption was in my text it was the illustrator, art director and editor that provided all those details.

I really love this illustration, too. It is fun to “see” the one you like the most. Well, I have one more question for you, I’m wondering if you have any other exciting news you might like to share?
I just found out that NOTHING will be translated into Hungarian, which is amazing and humbling to me!
Wow! That is really amazing news! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! Thanks so much for joining us today, Natalie. It has been a special treat to chat with you! I love your book so much, and its message. I am definitely planning to share it with the kids I teach in Children’s Church in the upcoming weeks. I wish you all the best!

How to connect further with Natalee: