Fun for kids, Kid Ministry, Mouse's Christmas Gift, My Faith, Parent and Child Connection

Thursday Thoughts — Be a light!

Hi kids! I’m back again with another Thursday Thought!

Be a Light!

Have you ever been in a room that is completely dark? It can seem very scary! A cozy candle or nightlight can illuminate the darkness and give us a warm and safe feeling.

Sometimes the world can seem dark and confusing, filled with pain and heartache. There doesn’t seem to be light or hope anywhere! The world needs light!

Jesus said in the Bible, “I am the light of the world.” In a dark world, he is the one that can make a difference. He is the one that can change things. He is the one that can change people’s hearts.

A dark world needs Jesus, the light of the world.

When we put our faith in Jesus to be our Savior, he changes our hearts from the inside out. In Matthew 5:14, he says that people that follow Jesus are lights. He says in Ephesians 5:8 that we should live as children of the light. What do you think that means?

You can be a light for Jesus by the way you live. What are some ways that you can be a light to others this week? I would love to hear your ideas!

Craft idea: Make the candle that I am holding in the video. Here are some photos:

I got the idea for this craft from

Kid Ministry, My Faith

Thursday Thoughts –When Life is Puzzling, Walk by Faith!

Hi kids! I’m back again with another Thursday Thought! Has life ever felt puzzling to you? This video talks about a man named Ananias, and how he had the faith to obey God even when it felt puzzling.

And here is a fun activity to try!! PUZZLE RACES…I’d love to hear how it goes if you try it. What puzzle did you use? Who was the winner? How fast were they?

Fun for kids, Kid Ministry, My Faith

Thursday Thoughts — Unstuck!

I’m back again with another Thursday Thought followed by a fun family activity/game! Our church uses Orange Curriculum and the theme this month is “Unstuck!” Hope this video content blesses you!

Devotional Thought — Unstuck!
Minute to Win It – Unstuck

I would love to hear from you–especially if you try the game!