If you are just now meeting Mouse from Mouse’s Christmas Gift, you may be interested in some fun posts from the past. Check out these links to read more!

How it all began… My church ornament and figurine collection. Which is your favorite?https://mindybakerbooks.com/where-the-story-begins-my-church-ornaments/
What quilt are you? A personality test...https://mindybakerbooks.com/which-quilt-are-you-mouses-christmas-gift-personality-test/
Widow Bartholomew’s been baking…sneak a peek at her secret recipes! https://mindybakerbooks.com/widow-barthomews-bread/
And add the strawberry jam while you’re at it!. You will have to travel (virtually) to Australia to hear all about it! (Give-away not live) https://www.kelliebyrnes.com/blog/author-interview-win-a-book-mindy-baker

The story behind the last line…https://mindybakerbooks.com/2015/03/
Anyone want to have a tea party with Mouse?

Create your own mouse-sized world…https://mindybakerbooks.com/2015/05/
5 fun facts about the story https://www.glenysnellist.com/mouses-christmas-gift-by-mindy-baker-guest-post-and-giveaway/ (Give-away not live anymore)
Here is a kid ministry lesson that incorporates Mouse…http://denettefretz.com/mouses-chrismas-gift-a-kidmin-object-lesson-and-giveaway/ (Give-away not live anymore)
Penelope Powell Interviews me about my publication journey
Laura Sassi interviews me and gives a peek at my nativity set collection… (Give-away not live anymore) https://laurasassitales.wordpress.com/2018/10/22/author-spotlight-a-chat-with-mindy-baker-in-celebration-of-her-debut-picture-book-mouses-christmas-gift-and-a-giveaway/
Interview with my by Rebecca Angus (Give-away not live anymore) https://www.rebeccaangusbooks.com/single-post/2018/12/03/Blog-Tour-Mindy-Baker-Author-of-MOUSES-CHRISTMAS-GIFT-Zonderkidz
Well, I hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane! It’s hard to believe that I wrote my first post about Mouse in 2015! So many lessons learned along this crazy path to publication. Thanks for visiting my blog and reading!