Author life, Book Review and Author Interviews, Mouse's Christmas Gift

Blog Tour #1 Mouse travels to Australia! Click link to my interview with Kellie Byrnes!

So thrilled to be invited to join Kellie Byrnes on her blog for the first stop of the blog tour. It is amazing to me that through the Internet we can become friends with people all over the world. Kellie lives in Australia, so this week’s give-away is specifically for people living in Australia. I hope the Aussie’s love Mouse’s Christmas Gift, too!

Here is the link to Kellie’s blog post: Kellie Byrne’s Blog Post with Mindy Baker

Thanks so much for hosting me, Kellie!

Book Review and Author Interviews

Book review of GOD MADE MOMMY SPECIAL by Glenys Nellist

Toddlers will delight in this new book by Glenys Nellist. It is a sturdy board book filled with eye-appealing illustrations and rhyme that sings.  Each word has been carefully selected so that young children can relate to the ideas being presented.

Each page showcases a different mommy and child “animal” while highlighting characteristics about mommies that children find special.

Some of the characteristics/qualities of “Mommy” found in the pages of the book:
–she cuddles
–she sings
–she feeds
–she takes good care of me
–she combs my hair
–she shares so much love
–she teaches me
–she is the leader
–she watches out for me
–she helps me
–she is patient, kind, sweet
–she shares lovely treats
–she loves
–she is kind and lots of fun
The animals:

 The last page shows a human child and mommy and ties in James 1:17, the verse from Scripture that says, “every good and perfect gift is from God.”  (Mommy is God’s gift to the child)
Glenys did a masterful job of using the animals’ natural traits and blending those into things that young children will find special about their own mommy.  For example, one of my favorite pages was the one in which the Mommy owl teaches her child to soar over trees and rooftops in the night.  
Overall, I loved the book.  Great job, Glenys!  I wish you all the best!

Buy book on Amazon

About the author:

Glenys is the coordinator of Children’s Ministry for the West Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is Zondervan children’s book author of twelve titles including two popular series: Love Letters from God and Snuggle Time. Glenys is a writer with a passion for God, her family, and children’s ministry.

Book Review and Author Interviews

Book Review GOD MADE DADDY SPECIAL by Glenys Nellist

Toddlers will delight in this new book by Glenys Nellist. It is a sturdy board book filled with eye-appealing illustrations and rhyme that sings.  Each word has been carefully selected so that young children can relate to the ideas being presented.

Each page showcases a different daddy and child “animal” while highlighting characteristics about daddies that children find special.

Some of the characteristics/qualities of “Daddy” found in the pages of the book:
–he teaches
–he’s super-duper nice
–being carried on Dad’s shoulders
–shows me how
–he’s my favorite guy
–taken good care of me
–we play together
–strong, handsome, big, tall, smart, funny
–we cuddle
–helps me when I wobble
–we hang around together
The animals:

–polar bear
 The last page shows a human child and father and ties in James 1:17, the verse from Scripture that says, “every good and perfect gift is from God.”  (Daddy is God’s gift to the child)
Glenys did a masterful job of using the animals’ natural traits and blending those into things that young children will find special about their own daddy.  For example, one of my favorite pages was the one in which the flamingo daddy helps the child flamingo not to wobble on one leg.  Another favorite was the skunk daddy showing the child how to make a stink. It made me smile and laugh.  
Overall, I loved the book.  Great job, Glenys!  I wish you all the best!
About the author:

Glenys is the coordinator of Children’s Ministry for the West Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is Zondervan children’s book author of twelve titles including two popular series: Love Letters from God and Snuggle Time. Glenys is a writer with a passion for God, her family, and children’s ministry.
Book Review and Author Interviews, Writing tips

Book recommendation–LITTLE RED’S RIDING ‘HOOD by Peter Stein

Hey everyone– I found a new favorite book and I just have to share!
LITTLE RED’S RIDING HOOD by Peter Stein with pictures by Chris Gall

It is a wonderful example of humor, word choice, and kid appeal in a picture book and just have to share it with you.

It is a winner of the 2017-2018 Young Hoosier award, and for good reason.  
As you read the book, you will understand why… such a fun read from cover to cover!
The book plays on the beloved story of Little Red Riding Hood, done “transportation” style.
Little Red Riding Hood is “Little Red the scooter,” and the Big Bad Wolf is “Tank, the King of the Road.”
Here are some of the word plays that made me smile!
“Poor Granny Putt-Putt is feeling run down.” 
“Vroom! Didi-didi-didi”
“Well, burn my rubber!”
“They’ve got the goods to make Granny feel showroom-new!”
“Something felt out of alignment.”
“Why, Granny! what big wheels you have.”
“That crash cooled his engines for good.”
I loved it all!  Especially the ending which I will let you read to find out…but its a happy one.
Happy reading!
You can visit Peter Stein at
Book Review and Author Interviews


If you have a toddler or are a grandparent of a toddler, you will want to add SNUGGLE TIME CHRISTMAS STORIES to your Christmas book collection.  The beauty of this book is the word choice.  It is “just right” for little ones, helping to instill God’s beautiful story in their hearts at a level that makes sense to them.  I can also see this book being used in toddler classes in churches everywhere.  

It is a beautiful padded board book–very eye appealing with foil and glitter.  There are 13 short, individual poems that each include a reference from Scripture.   My favorite poem is “Hee-Haw, Said the Donkey.”

Hee-haw, said the donkey.
Squeak-squeak, said the mice.
Cheep-cheep, said the chicken, 
This baby is so nice!

Moo-moo, said the cow.
Baa-baa, said the sheep.
Shh-shh, said the pigeon.
Jesus is asleep! 

I have been around toddlers enough to know that animal noises are a hit!  And I can picture all of the little darlings acting out the noises and then rocking baby Jesus to sleep in their arms.  So precious!

Thanks, Glenys for another beautiful book that will impact little hearts with the beautiful message of God’s love for them!

Amazon link:  Snuggle Time Christmas Stories

About the author:  GLENYS NELLIST was born and raised in a little village in northern England.  Her stories and poems have been published in children’s magazines where her writing reflects a deep passion for bringing the Bible to life for young children.  Glenys lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with her husband, David.

Glenys Nellist’s Website

Twitter: @Glenys Nellist

Facebook: Glenys Nellist: Author