Book Review and Author Interviews, Fun for kids, Giveaway, Prize winner

And the winner of the Sassi Book Bundle is…

Angela Degroot is the winner!

Congratulations! I know you will love having these books in your home library.

Thank you to everyone who entered! Congratulations to Laura once again on this beautiful book.

And thank you to Worthy Books for donating a copy of Faithful Feet.

(I’m hoping to have several more giveaways in the coming months).

Stay tuned, and keep spending quality time with your kids. Books are great discussion starters and a wonderful way to build together time!

See you next time!

#mindybakerbooks #giveawaywinner #faithfulfeet #worthybooks #laurasassi #christianbooks #kidlit

Book Review and Author Interviews, Fun for kids, Giveaway, Kid Ministry, My Faith

Five Fun Facts about FAITHFUL FEET with Author Laura Sassi

Today I have a treat for you! Author Laura Sassi has stopped by to share Five Fun Facts about her new release from Worthy Kids entitled Faithful Feet! Thanks for being here, Laura. What are your facts?

Thanks for having me on your blog, Mindy! Here are the facts I thought of to share with your readers.

Fact One: This is my first book with Worthy Kids and my eleventh book overall. It’s the 10th that rhymes, the 5th to include references to specific Bible verses, and the first to be illustrated by an Italian ( and beautifully)!  You can learn more about illustrator Emanuel Di Donna here.  (

Fact Two: Faithful Feet is inspired by a favorite Bible verse of mine from the Old Testament.  From Isaiah 52:7, it reads, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…”  That image of feet running to tell of God’s amazing grace captured my imagination and I ran with it! 

Fact Three: The opening of the book which begins “Feet are funny don’t you think?” was originally just a silly poem I wrote as a warm-up exercise to get my ideas flowing one morning several years ago. It remained unexplored in my writer’s notebook until one day, as I was looking through that old notebook, I spotted it. With the verse above (see Fact Two) already on my heart, I knew when I saw the poem that I had the opening for my book. 

Fact Four: I had fun brainstorming which Bible characters’ feet to include in this rhyming narrative. I was striving to get a mix of male, female, young, old etc. I also wanted the feet to be hairy, smooth, dusty and so on, in keeping with that opening verse. Whose feet did I finally pick? Noah’s, Daniel’s, David’s, Mary’s and, of course, Jesus’s feet!  I also included the feet of those who followed Jesus to listen and be healed, as well as the feet of the women who ran to tell the good news of Jesus’ resurrection that first Easter morning.

Fact Five: This book isn’t really about feet! As I explain in the “Author’s Note” at the beginning of the book, I think feet are a wonderful visual reminder and metaphor for what God desires most from us—that we actively trust, love, and walk with Him spiritually. So even though I use feet to tell this story, the book is really about actively loving and trusting God and letting His love flow through us to others.

Learn more about the book, including how to get the free activity kit, over at my website:

I loved hearing these facts! In case you didn’t know I am hosting a SASSI BOOK BUNDLE GIVEAWAY over the next few days (January 9-11). You can enter to win Faithful Feet, and two of my favorite of Laura’s other titles. I will announce the winners on my blog and Instagram account on January 12th.

Here is the link to enter!

Thank you for having me as your guest, Mindy!

It is always a treat to have you visit my blog! Best wishes on a wonderful new title.

Buy the book Faithful Feet


This giveaway is running from January 9-11, 2025.

To enter, click the link above and provide your first name and email.

This contest is open to residents in the continental United States with a USA postal mailing address.

One winner will be announced on Instagram and my website on January 12, 2025.

There is ONE PRIZE BUNDLE valued at $36.

Worthy Books will mail you the book Faithful Feet. Mindy Baker will mail you the other two books (My Tender Heart Devotions and Bunny Finds Easter).

By entering, you are consenting to receive occasional content from Mindy Baker. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Board Book, Book Review and Author Interviews, Children's Bible, Giveaway, Kid Ministry


I’m so thrilled to welcome my friend Laura Sassi to the blog today. She is here to tell us five fun facts about her latest book published by Paraclete Press. You will also find details about the opportunity to win a copy of MY TENDER HEART BIBLE at the bottom of the post.


Here is what Laura had to say:

Fact #1: Writing My Tender Heart Bible was a dream project. From the time my children were little, God planted an idea in my heart — to write my own rhyming Bible story collection. Because rhyming text is appealing to little ears, I believed it would lend itself beautifully introducing littlest ones to deep truths in a short fun format. It only took 15 years or so, ha-ha, for that idea to become reality!

Fact #2: I had written only FOUR of the TWELVE  when I pitched the idea to Paraclete, but had the whole collection in mind. When they said, “Yes!” I was able to then write and polish the final manuscript within the time frame of a couple of months. This was possible because I had been so prayerful and thoughtful in my planning. I wanted to make sure that both individually, and as a whole, the stories conveyed several key themes including that God loves them, that He is good, that God Keeps His promises, even we grumble or fuss or break ours, and that He has a plan to redeem us through His son Jesus.

Fact #3: Each rhyming Bible story is paired with a Bible verse, a Heart Moment, and a beautiful illustration with lots to notice. I chose this format for several reasons. First, I included Bible citations so that little readers and their families would know that these aren’t just any stories – they are stories from God’s Word. Second, illustrations with lots to point to and ponder were also important so that children could really immerse themselves in the story (and hasn’t illustrator Sandra Eide done a marvelous job!) Finally, I wanted each story experience to conclude with a Heart Moment of prayer because when we encounter God’s love and God’s word, it touches our hearts and begs us to respond!

Fact #4: My Tender Heart Bible is not your typical board book. Yes, the format is board book, but the content has way more text than a traditional board book. Thematically, it’s also much richer, with much more to ponder than a typical board book. Each spread is a story unto itself and, unlike most board books which are designed to be read in one sitting, I envision families picking just one out of the twelve to read at a sitting.  Gauging from the kids and families I’ve shared the book with so far, it’s suitable for a nice broad range of ages – birth to up eight years old – which is perfect for reading as a family with multi-aged siblings.

Fact #5: The publisher has created some awesome resources to go with the book.  Because My Tender Heart Bible is the first of a series (ooh, I could have made that Fun Fact #6!), Paraclete Press has created a website for all things My Tender Heart at There you will find free downloadable resources for My Tender Heart Bible including book-themed illustrated printable memory verse cards, greeting cards, and other fun things like a  book trailer and an inspirational video.  The website also lists upcoming book events and even has a contact page. I hope you will check it out. 

Mindy here: Thank you so much, Laura! I loved hearing your 5 fun facts about your book. I love the project and think it will be a treasure for years to come. Best wishes!

Check out this beautiful interior photo!

Interior photo used with permission

About Laura Sassi:

Laura Sassi finds great joy in writing picture books for children. She is the author of seven published books for children with the eighth and ninth scheduled to release in 2023. She loves visiting schools and engaging with writers, parents, church groups and more at special events. You can interact with her at her website (Link below).

Book trailer

Author website

And now for the Give-Away!


  1. First, make sure you are following @mindybakerbooks and @LauraSassitales on Instagram.
  2. For one entry, leave a comment on this blog post or on any @mindybakerbooks Instagram post about My Tenderheart Bible (This week’s posts only).
  3. For an additional entry, tag a friend on one of the Instagram posts. (one additional entry per tag) or share the post to your stories tagging @mindybakerbooks and @laurasassitales.
  4. For 10 entries, sign up to receive my mini-magazine.
  5. Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 15, at 6pm EST
  6. Winner will be announced March 16 on this blog and on @mindybakerbooks Instagram account.

You must be living in the continental United States to win. Paraclete Press is sponsoring this give-away and will mail the winner the book. A big thank you Laura Sassi and to Paraclete Press for this offer.

Book Review and Author Interviews, Devotional, family devotions, Fun for kids, Giveaway, Kid Ministry, My Faith, Parent and Child Connection

Twas the Season of Advent–Giveaway for Glenys Nellist’s new release

Hey everyone! I’m so excited to be hosting a give-away for Glenys Nellist’s latest release in the Twas series entitled, Twas the Season of Advent. It is a fabulous family devotional with accompanying artwork by Elena Selivanova.

Description: This is a product perfect for family devotions along with many other settings. There are 25 devotions, one for each day leading up to Christmas, with a blend of stories from the Old and New Testament. I love that Nellist has included the story of Isaiah, as I believe it is so important to remember the fact that God promised to send Jesus seven hundred years before he was born! What a miracle!

At the beginning of each page is a poem in the cadence of Clement C. Moore’s classic, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. There is also a highlighted scripture, and several paragraphs to read aloud together with your child. Each devotion concludes with a heart-felt prayer that also serves to summarize the main point of the day and personalize it for the reader.

For example: I love the story of the angel appearing to Mary. This is the content of the devotion for December 6th. The title is “My Answer is Yes.” The prayer reads:

Dear God, thank you for Mary who was so brave and trusted you. When I need to be brave, help me remember that you are with me.

Another page that is especially meaningful is the way Nellist concludes the book:

“I wonder how you are celebrating this holy night. I hope that wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you might come to the manger, where God is waiting to meet you. No matter if your home is quiet or noisy this Christmas Eve–in the hustle or the hush; in the chaos or the calm; in the sound or in the silence, God is waiting to meet you there.

Dear God, as we gather around the manger, help us to listen as you whisper into our heart. Help each one of us truly know that this child–Jesus, Prince of Peace, Immanuel, the Word, was born for us. Thank you for this holy Christmas Eve.


There is so much rich and meaningful content packed into this book! I pray that God will powerfully use it in the hearts of all who read it. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and he is also the Savior–the Messiah–the one who was born to save each of us from our sin. I am so thankful that Glenys Nellist has written this book, and that Zonderkidz has chosen to publish it. It speaks of the most important message.The message of Jesus Christ.

You will be glad you purchased this book and decided to use it with your family!!!


I am so happy to be giving away one copy of ‘Twas the Season of Advent!

This giveaway is sponsored by the publisher, Zonderkidz, and is open to entrants living in the USA with a physical street address (no PO boxes.) 


1. Follow @mindybakerbooks and @glenysnellist on Instagram and leave a comment on any Instagram post this weekend about the give-away.

2. You can also tag a friend on any Instagram post this weekend for even more entries. One entry per tag.

3. Leave a comment on this blog post for an additional entry.

4. For 10 additional entries, follow this blog and/or subscribe to my mini-magazine. You will receive free bi-monthly content and also be notified of any new posts.

5. You must enter by 6pm EST on Sunday, November 14, 2021. I will draw the winner and post the result here and on Instagram Monday morning, November 15, 2021.


Here is a link to purchase the book!

You can find out more about Glenys at her website. She has loads of other wonderful titles!

I absolutely love how Zonderkidz produces free resources to accompany their books. There is a free Parent/Teacher Guide for Twas the Season of Advent that has daily questions and follow-up activities. You can download them at the Zonderkidz website. Check it out!

This blog post is part of a BLOG HOP. The next scheduled post will be December 15th on the Instagram of @DeeperKidmin (Brittany Nelson)

Book Review and Author Interviews, Devotional, Parent and Child Connection

Simply Christmas – A New Holiday Devotional by Tama Fortner

Look what was just delivered into my inbox! It is Tama Fortner’s fresh, new Christmas devotional for busy moms, and it is a treasure!

31 days worth of inspiring devotions along with practical advice to help you keep your Christmas this year simple, yet meaningful!

I loved how Tama incorporated tips to be mindful of others (like at holiday celebrations when you are feeling self conscious) as well as shared reminders about what is really important (like quality time with your kids). Her writing has an authentic tone and is very relatable!

If you have ever compared yourself to others and felt inadequate, Tama has some insights for you from the Bible. I absolutely love the verses she selected for each day! It is such a beautiful thing to read the Scriptures and have God’s Spirit speak to your heart.


This Christmas season, check out this devotional! You won’t regret it! (Scroll down for order link)

Here is the press release description:

Between holiday baking, decorating the house, shopping for the perfect gifts, and hunting for the most picturesque tree, Christmas can be anything but peaceful for moms. Too often, the stress and busyness of the season make it difficult for them to find time to simply rest and dwell on the wonder of the Savior’s birth. 

Fortner’s 31 short yet beautifully written devotions offer moms an opportunity to indulge in a few minutes of calm each day as she takes them back to that long-ago first Christmas. With warmth and wit, she also shares tips for leaving perfectionism behind and becoming the “keeping-it-real mom” instead.

“When I was starting out as a mom, it seemed as if everywhere I looked, there was perfection,” Fortner says. “Perfect clothes, perfect kids, perfect meals, perfect homes. And I tried to keep up with that. And I realize now that much of the pressure I felt was self-imposed. I had to grow into feeling comfortable in my own role as a mom…and that happened as I grew in my faith and my understanding of who I am as a daughter of God.”


Tama Fortner is a bestselling writer with more than 35 titles to her credit. As a ghostwriter, she has collaborated with some of the biggest names in Christian publishing to create inspirational books for children, teens, and adults. But her greatest accomplishments happen in a happy little home on the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee, where she lives with her family and an incredibly lazy dog who doubles as a footwarmer. For more information, visit

Order the book online at this link

Tama’s Instagram

Tama’s Twitter

**Tama, I wish you all the best with this new release! I think it has the potential to touch many hearts!