Book Review and Author Interviews, Writing tips

Book recommendation–LITTLE RED’S RIDING ‘HOOD by Peter Stein

Hey everyone– I found a new favorite book and I just have to share!
LITTLE RED’S RIDING HOOD by Peter Stein with pictures by Chris Gall

It is a wonderful example of humor, word choice, and kid appeal in a picture book and just have to share it with you.

It is a winner of the 2017-2018 Young Hoosier award, and for good reason.  
As you read the book, you will understand why… such a fun read from cover to cover!
The book plays on the beloved story of Little Red Riding Hood, done “transportation” style.
Little Red Riding Hood is “Little Red the scooter,” and the Big Bad Wolf is “Tank, the King of the Road.”
Here are some of the word plays that made me smile!
“Poor Granny Putt-Putt is feeling run down.” 
“Vroom! Didi-didi-didi”
“Well, burn my rubber!”
“They’ve got the goods to make Granny feel showroom-new!”
“Something felt out of alignment.”
“Why, Granny! what big wheels you have.”
“That crash cooled his engines for good.”
I loved it all!  Especially the ending which I will let you read to find out…but its a happy one.
Happy reading!
You can visit Peter Stein at
Book Review and Author Interviews

Author interview with Katy Farber about new book release SALAMANDER SKY

I recently became acquainted with a fabulous group of writers.  We all have one thing in common.  We are 2018 debut picture book authors.  We have a new website that promotes our books.  You can find all of us at:  Fireworks and Foliage Debut Picture Book Authors and Illustrators
One if the authors is Katy Farber. Her book, SALAMANDER SKY released this week. I’m thrilled for her accomplishment, and wanted to take a moment to interview her and get the inside scoop.  Her book looks fascinating!

Here is the link where you can order SALAMANDER SKY online:

Katy, thanks for stopping by!  I’m so glad you could join me today to talk about your new book, SALAMANDER SKY.  If you don’t mind, let’s get right to the questions!
It seems like you have a true passion for nature.  Have you always had this passion, or was there a life experience that caused it to exist and/or grow? 

I remember visiting my grandmother and wading up the stream behind her house. I loved the way the mud felt between my toes, and discovering growing tadpoles among the mossy rocks. But I also remember my parents calling me in from the creek, saying, that water is polluted! The pipe above stream is pumping in waste! I was outraged in my 8 year old body. I wrote a series if tiny books about that creek, a local river, and a giant teddy bear that was missing an eye. Turns out, the bear saves the creek and river from pollution. 

The tree behind my house was my world away from everything. I would take my pillow up into the giant tree and read, draw and daydream for hours. These memories fueled the kind of writing I do today. 

I can see how the wading experience would leave quite an impression on you as a young child. I love that you were a writer even from a young age. I’m also fascinated by the giant tree–that seems like something out of a book. Every child should have a tree like that! I know I would’ve loved one.
My next question is… what inspired the story Salamander Sky?

Salamander Sky was a poem I wrote when considering the brief, magical, and fleeting migration events on the dirt road in front  of my house. I had always loved searching for salamanders and frogs in the spring, and had been helping them cross safely for years. Then I had my daughters, and I knew I wanted to share this with them. We have gone out and helped the salamanders and frogs cross since they could stay up late enough to join me.  I thought about how I could inspire kids and families to head out into the rainy nights and experience the magic themselves, and I wrote this story. 

But really, the inspiration started long before that, when I found my first newt in a Pennsylvania creek and found it fascinating and beautiful.

That sounds like a really fun parent-child adventure! For those of us who have not ever experienced a salamander crossing, can you describe the experience more in-depth? What is the highlight of experiencing it? If you go out to try this, what should you bring? What should you wear?  

The highlight for me is when the light from your flashlight falls on a tiny, vulnerable creature, and you go to it, carefully pick up, visit for a moment, and release it safely. You see the tiny toes, the round eyes, the long tail. There is a deep connection, a feeling of purpose and warmth in knowing that you helped this creature survive. 

You should wear all your rain gear, rain books, a reflective vest, and a headlamp. If your children are very young, a bucket helps for placing the animals in gently for the crossing. You should wear a ball cap so water doesn’t drip into your eyes, and prepare to get wet! It is all part of the experience. You are also teaching your children to not be afraid of the night and dark. Of course, be on the constant lookout for cars and have a plan for moving to the side of the road immediately if one is coming, no matter what.

I think I found the next thing to put on my bucket list. Absolutely fantastic!  Thanks for sharing! My next question is in regards to those who read SALAMANDER SKY. What take-away do you hope your readers gain from your book? 

I hope that readers take away an awareness of the importance of salamanders to forest ecology and the biodiversity of our world, and how they can participate in citizen science to help vulnerable populations of different species. I hope readers fall in love with the salamanders like I have, and vow to protect nature in all the ways they can. I also hope we inspire more girls to become scientists and activists. 
I love your answer!  I hope they they gain those take-aways, too!  I am also curious, who is your illustrator?
I feel so lucky to have Meg Sodano’s incredibly beautiful and moving illustrations in this book. They extend and deepen the story, they inspire, they transport, and they so clearly teach about the spotted salamander species, and April and her mom’s experience and joy in helping them. 
Let’s get practical. I’m sure you have a few writing tips and techniques up your sleeve that could really help beginning writers. Would you mind sharing some advice?
Write with reckless abandon. Explore your world through words, write about what bothers you, how you think the world should be, whatever is in your mind. Silence your inner critic and anyone else who limits your ideas. Bring a journal with you everywhere– capture ideas and your thoughts before they move on. 

Those are some excellent words of wisdom. And, I just have to ask…do you have any other future works to promote? 

I have two other works in various phases right now, but I would love to share about my middle grade eco-adventure novel published in 2015 called The Order of the Trees (Green Writers Press).  Cedar was found as a baby under an old growth tree in the northern Vermont woods.  She’s as different from the other kids as she could be. Cedar finds her first friend, Phillip, and shares her forest home with him. When Cedar suddenly falls ill Phillip has to figure out why and fast– before he loses her forever.

I learned something new about you today. I didn’t know that you are also a middle grade author. That is so wonderful. A big congratulations on your 2015 eco-adventure novel, and now, with this debut picture book. SALAMANDER SKY looks very fascinating!  I wish you all the best.  Thank you so much for stopping by to chat with me today!

Katy Farber website

Katy Farber is a writer, researcher and educator from Vermont. She has loved and defended salamanders since standing in a Pennsylvania creek at the age of ten. Salamander Sky is her first picture book. Her other book for children is a middle grade novel called The Order of the Trees, which won Green Earth Honor book award in 2015. She also writes about education, the environment, parenting and sustainability for various websites and publications.

Author life

Are you a debut picture book author for July-Dec 2018? We want you to join us on this site!

Fireworks & Foliage

Are you a debut picture book author for the months of July-December, 2018?  If so, then we want you to join us!

Laura Renauld is currently organizing a promo website for us.  Click below:

Link for Fireworks & Foliage debut author website

If you go to the JOIN US tab and click on the google form, it will collect all of your info so that it can be added to the website.

Hope you join us!

Book Review and Author Interviews

Introducing…Easter Love Letters from God by Glenys Nellist

This wonderful new book in the Love Letters from God series is another treasure, helping children to understand the depth and significance of the Easter holiday.
It is divided into 7 sections emphasizing different elements of the Easter story, each with a note to the reader from God, helping to apply each lesson to his/her life.
The sections are:
King of Kings–the Ride into Jerusalem
What Love Looks Like–Washing Feet
The Secret Supper–Last Supper
The Gloomy Garden–Gethsemane
The Darkest Day–Crucifixion
The Quiet Cave–Burial
The Super Surprise–Resurrection
I loved the depiction of Jesus showing what love looks like, washing the disciples’ feet.
I loved the pages that described heaven and how to get there.  
And most of all I loved the description of God working inside the tomb. 
“But inside that quiet cave God was working. If you tried to peek inside, you couldn’t see anything. If you stood outside and put your ear to the big stone, you couldn’t hear anything. If you tried to imagine what was happening, you couldn’t. But inside, God was doing something utterly amazing. Something only God could do.”
I love Glenys’ writing because although it is written for children, I still find a take-a-way for myself as an adult, too.  
I am in a season of waiting for God.  I need to believe that even though I can’t see it, hear it, or imagine it, HE IS AT WORK!  
Thanks Glenys, for your writing. It touches and encourages souls of all ages.
I would highly recommend buying this book for any little readers in your home!
Glenys is the coordinator of Children’s Ministry for the West Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is Zondervan children’s book author of twelve titles including two popular series: Love Letters from God and Snuggle Time. Glenys is a writer with a passion for God, her family, and children’s ministry.
Glenys on Twitter: @GlenysNellist

Book Review and Author Interviews, Writing tips

Author Interview with Denette Fretz about upcoming title I WANT YOUR SMILE CROCODILE

I am thrilled to have Zonderkidz author Denette Fretz with me here today on my blog.  She is the author of the Next Door Series, PIRATES ON THE FARM and CONRAD AND THE COWGIRL NEXT DOOR.  Today we are going to discuss her newest book I WANT YOUR SMILE, CROCODILE.  Here is a picture of the cover!  So adorable…I love it!

This book will be released in April, 2018.  You can preorder it now at this link:

Preorder on Amazon

And now to start the interview…Here we go!  
Hi Denette!, Thanks for joining me.  First of all, I notice that you include a lot of humor in your writing.  What inspires your humor?

Hi Mindy, glad to be here.  As a picture book collector, most of my best-loved stories are humorous.  If I had to name a favorite book, it would be Judith Viorst’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day--but at the top of my list would also be Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter series, Helen Lester’s A Porcupine Named Fluffy, and Jon Klassen’s This is Not My Hat.  I love humor, but kids do too–which make it an excellent vehicle for teaching biblical principles without sounding preachy or hackneyed.

I love humor, too.  Do you have a favorite page in the story of I Want Your Smile, Crocodile that makes you chuckle each time you see it?

I brought a sneak peek into the book.  Here it is!

Oooh! Thank you so much for bringing that!  

The main character of I Want Your Smile, Crocodile is a spunky meerkat named Jack.  Illustrator Jackie Urbanovic did a fantastic job of introducing the reader to Jack.  With one illustration, she captured Jack’s attitude, while making him cute and loveable.  Her portrayal always make me smile.

Truly adorable.  I can see why that is a favorite!  My next question is in regards to writing technique.  Do you have any writing techniques that you use that help you to add bits of humor into the story?

If you were to read any of my manuscripts as straight text, the humor would be intermittent.  It is the complement or contrast between text and illustrations that generate humor on almost every page of my three books.  My favorite humor is when the text contradicts the illustration.  For instance, in I Want Your Smile, Crocodile, Jack believes if he has a crocodile smile, kids will “stand in line and wait” for him to grin; however, the corresponding illustration portrays chaos as zoo visitors flee his new look.

To create humor, I start by knowing my main characters, setting, and problem very well.  I then imagine detailed pictures of unusual or unexpected circumstances for the character in his setting.  Because much of my humor is reliant on these visualizations, I juxtapose text and illustration suggestions when submitting manuscripts.  I don’t think I would have sold any of my three now published manuscripts had I not relayed the pictures in my head.  Of course, none of the humor would work without excellent illustrations.  I have been blessed by two fabulous illustrators.  Jackie Urbanovic and Gene Barretta, who brought to life characters and humorous situations through their wonderful, unique interpretations.

Thank you for sharing that helpful information.  And I agree, you have had two fabulous illustrators!  Another question I have is in regards to theme.  In your previous books, your theme was “Loving Your Neighbor.” What do you hope that your readers will take away from your newest book?

In I Want Your Smile Crocodile, Jack covets features of other zoo animals, but discovers that “God’s great heart designed each part” of him.  Every child is gifted by God for a purpose.  My hope is that Crocodile helps readers understand that they do not need to imitate others, but are fearfully, wonderfully, and uniquely designed by their creator.

That is beautiful and such an important take away.  I see that you are an elementary teacher.  Do you use your books in the classroom? 

I do! When I taught first grade, I used my Next Door Series books as read-alouds, at the listening station, and to help teach the concept of loving your neighbor. Now that I teach art, I use my books to talk about the career of illustrator.  Also, at the beginning of each school year, I use the characters, setting, and plot from Pirates on the Farm to speak to third grade students about story elements and arc in fictional writing.

I bet your students love to see and hear about your books.  I know I would if I were them.  I can’t believe its time for the last question already.  I was wondering, do you have any other projects “in the works” that you are able to share about?

Although I don’t currently have any other titles being published, I am working on new adventures for Jack…in hopes that readers love him as much as I do.

Well, best wishes in all that you do.  I want your smile, Crocodile looks like a beautiful book full of heart and a great underlying message of truth for kids.  I really appreciate you being willing to take the time to join me today on my blog.

If you would like to stop by Denette’s website, here is a link.

Denette’s website

About the author:
Denette Fretz’s passion is creating imaginative, engaging stories that help children understand and apply biblical principles.  A veteran elementary educator, Fretz resides in Medford, Oregon with her husband, a sassy cat, and a spastic Jack-A-Bee.

Other titles by Denette Fretz: