Today I’m highlighting Bunny Finds Easter, the latest board book from author Laura Sassi. I invited Laura here today because I wanted to discuss how much the role of the illustrations play in bringing a picture book story to life. I’m so thrilled that she accepted my request!
MINDY: First of all, Laura, thank you so much for stopping by! What a treat for you to be here!
LAURA: I’m happy to join you, Mindy. I love to discuss picture books!
MINDY: I have to tell you, Laura, how much I have enjoyed my advance copy! I really love that Jesus is highlighted so prominently as the reason we celebrate Easter. That is so dear to my heart and my faith! I also adore the illustrations in this book and wanted to discuss that topic with you a little bit. I know that once you turn your manuscript in, the artist job begins. It is always amazing to me how much charm illustrators are able to add to the text. My first question for you is, what is your favorite page spread in this book?
LAURA: Truly, I love them all but I’m going to pick the spread that reads “She hops to town. Cheep. Chirp. Who’s there? Babies, babies, everywhere!” because I think it captures beautifully the amplified way that the illustrations add heart and depth to the story in board books.

MINDY: What do you love about it?
LAURA: At first glance, this spread seems simple enough. But if you look carefully, there are oodles of picture clues and story elements for littlest ones and their parents to notice and enjoy.
First, the text says simply “Babies, babies, everywhere.” The illustrations fill that out with adorable chicks sliding down a hay stack while a mother hen (with matching Easter bonnet and purse) looks one. But there are other babies, too. Can you spot the tadpoles?

MINDY: I do spot them! So adorable!
LAURA: Second, observant little ones might notice that Mama is now carrying a bouquet of lilies. These are the lilies that Bunny clipped on the previous spread. Now we know why she clipped them. For Mama!

MINDY: I love how the story connects from page to page. Brilliant!
LAURA: Third, look what’s peeking through in the background. It’s the church! If you are observant, you will notice that from this spread on, Bunny keeps hopping closer and closer to church. I like to think of this as the board book version of foreshadowing because guess where Bunny will discover what Easter is all about? If you guessed that the will find the final clue in that little chapel, you are right!

MINDY: I am so intrigued by this! What else?
LAURA: Other details to notice on the spread. The houses. Where is everybody? On their way to church, maybe? And is Bunny holding a basket? Why might that be? (Hint: It’s a clue to the activity on the next page.)

MINDY: Wow, Laura! The illustrator truly did a fabulous job bringing your words to life! I have loved taking this deeper look at some of the treasures on each page.
LAURA: Yes, the illustrations are so important in picture books!
MINDY: One other thing I wanted to ask, I have heard you mentioning on social media about some fantastic freebies that accompany this book. Can you tell us how we can take advantage of these opportunities?
LAURA: Yes, Zonderkidz has created two great resources for BUNNY FINDS EASTER. The first is an activity kit that includes coloring pages, a maze, a printable Easter card and more. Here’s the link for that: https://laurasassitales.wordpress.com/2022/02/03/parents-teachers-kidmin-download-your-free-activity-kit-for-bunny-finds-easter-2/
The second is an instruction sheet for a BUNNY FINDS EASTER book walk, an intergenerational event in which participants walk from station to station to read spreads from the story and have an activity at the end. Here’s the link for that: https://laurasassitales.wordpress.com/2022/01/24/host-a-bunny-finds-easter-book-walk-free-printable-resource/
MINDY: Both of these resources look fantastic and fun. I truly can’t recommend it your new book enough, especially as the perfect gift to be tucked into an Easter basket! Thank you so much for joining me today, Laura! I wish you all the best in your future writing endeavors. I know you have a book coming out this fall for the Christmas season. I will be following your blog to hear more details about that one, too!
LAURA: Thanks for having me! It has been a delight to chat together.
MINDY: Thank you, Laura! It has been a treat!
And, for all of you readers, if you are interested in buying the book, here is a link.
Also, to find out more about Laura and her other books, check out her website or follower her on social media. I also recommend following her blog. She posts regularly with fantastic content!
Did you know?? Laura and I work together with several other authors including Rebecca Gomez, Tina Cho, and Trine Grillo on a new website called www.readdiscussdo.com. I will be doing another interview with Laura there later this month.
Watch for more details and thanks for joining us today!