A big thanks to Laura Sassi for her friendship and willingness to host me on her blog. She had several questions for me about the inspiration for Mouse’s Christmas Gift and more. Check out my answers on her blog at this link:
Tag: author interview
Blog Tour #1 Mouse travels to Australia! Click link to my interview with Kellie Byrnes!
So thrilled to be invited to join Kellie Byrnes on her blog for the first stop of the blog tour. It is amazing to me that through the Internet we can become friends with people all over the world. Kellie lives in Australia, so this week’s give-away is specifically for people living in Australia. I hope the Aussie’s love Mouse’s Christmas Gift, too!
Here is the link to Kellie’s blog post: Kellie Byrne’s Blog Post with Mindy Baker
Thanks so much for hosting me, Kellie!
Book Promo and Author Interview with Annemarie Riley Guertin..HOW THE FINCH GOT HIS COLORS
I see that you are an elementary teacher. How did that help you as you shaped your story?
Because your book is a folktale, I’m interested to know what lesson you hope children uncover as they read the story of Finch?
Solid messages for children! My next question is about your experience as a new author.
It sounds like it has been a wonderful journey…and thanks for the excellent advice. I really appreciate your willingness to stop by and share your story. I wish you the best of luck with Finch as well as your future writing endeavors!
Author interview with Katy Farber about new book release SALAMANDER SKY
Salamander Sky was a poem I wrote when considering the brief, magical, and fleeting migration events on the dirt road in front of my house. I had always loved searching for salamanders and frogs in the spring, and had been helping them cross safely for years. Then I had my daughters, and I knew I wanted to share this with them. We have gone out and helped the salamanders and frogs cross since they could stay up late enough to join me. I thought about how I could inspire kids and families to head out into the rainy nights and experience the magic themselves, and I wrote this story.
Author interview with Rebecca J. Gomez
Rebecca, thank you so much for being willing to join us and answer a few questions. I can’t wait to hear the inside scoop on your writing.
Let’s get to the questions!
First, I see that you have a writing partner, Corey Rosen Schwartz. How did you get started working together? How do you collaborate together to create a manuscript? Do you still write together?
The next question comes from your social media presence. You seem to have a heart for parent-child connection through reading. I notice you offer a free ebook, “How to SUPERCHARGE your story time,” and I see that you tweet regularly highlighting activities that parents can do with their children after reading a story. What advice do you have for parents in today’s world of technology when it comes to reading with their children? Why do you feel it is so important?
Finally, I have to ask, what’s next? Do you have any upcoming publications that you can share with us?
WOW! Congratulations! Two truck books on the way AND the promise of an announcement! We will definitely be watching for your good news and celebrate with you!
Click here for Rebecca’s website
Author bio:
Rebecca J. Gomez doesn’t know much about building a tree house, but she is an expert at setting up blanket forts! When she isn’t building forts or writing books, she enjoys reading, making recycled art, and hanging out with her family. She lives in Nebraska with her husband, three kids, two poodles and one parrotlet. Visit her online at RebccaJGomez.com
Once again, Rebecca, thank you very much for taking the time to stop by and chat with me. I learned a lot from your answers and I wish you all the best!