Author life, Book Review and Author Interviews, Mouse's Christmas Gift

Blog Tour #3 Laura Sassi and I chat about writing and my new picture book, MOUSE’S CHRISTMAS GIFT

A big thanks to Laura Sassi for her friendship and willingness to host me on her blog. She had several questions for me about the inspiration for Mouse’s Christmas Gift and more. Check out my answers on her blog at this link:

Laura Sassi website

Author life, Book Review and Author Interviews, Mouse's Christmas Gift

Blog Tour #1 Mouse travels to Australia! Click link to my interview with Kellie Byrnes!

So thrilled to be invited to join Kellie Byrnes on her blog for the first stop of the blog tour. It is amazing to me that through the Internet we can become friends with people all over the world. Kellie lives in Australia, so this week’s give-away is specifically for people living in Australia. I hope the Aussie’s love Mouse’s Christmas Gift, too!

Here is the link to Kellie’s blog post: Kellie Byrne’s Blog Post with Mindy Baker

Thanks so much for hosting me, Kellie!

Book Review and Author Interviews

Book Promo and Author Interview with Annemarie Riley Guertin..HOW THE FINCH GOT HIS COLORS

I recently became acquainted with a fabulous group of writers.  We all have one thing in common.  We are 2018 debut picture book authors.  We have a new website that promotes our books.  You can find all of us at:  Fireworks and Foliage Debut Picture Book Authors and Illustrators

One if the authors is Annemarie Riley Guertin. Her book, HOW THE FINCH GOT HIS COLORS recently released.  I’m thrilled for her accomplishment, and wanted to take a moment to interview her and get the inside scoop.  Her book looks so beautiful with its vibrant colors!
Book blurb from AMAZON:

Many years ago, before the world bloomed in magnificent colors, the Earth lay stark and gray. The animals that graced its skies and roamed its lands were the colors of dirt, clay, and stone . . . 
. . . until Rainbow descended to bestow her colors on the creatures of the world. Each bird asked for a bright and beautiful color: green for Parrot, red for Cardinal, and yellow for Canary. But will there be any colors left for little Gouldian Finch? He soon learns the power of patience and the beauty of all creatures. Based on a Belgian folktale, this beautifully told and illustrated tale is a timeless treasure for every collection.

Hi Annemarie, I am thrilled to have you joining me today on my blog. I can’t wait to get started with my questions…

I see that you are an elementary teacher. How did that help you as you shaped your story?

Being an elementary teacher plays integral part in the stories that I create. I have a front row seat (every single day) for the audience that we are writing books for.  I know what captures their attention, what they wonder about, and what types of books they favor. I also know firsthand where the gaps are in the market place for this audience.

Finch was written out of necessity. I was teaching a unit of study on folktales as part of the Common Core standards. I had a few folktales in my collection but many of them were read in Kindergarten and my students already knew them (The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, Jack and the Beanstalk.) I really wanted to expose my students to lesser known folktales and that is where I hit a wall.  I had a bit of a challenge finding ones that were standalone picture books. Many titles were found in anthologies that are no longer used in public school classrooms.  After pulling a handful from libraries, I remembered my aunt had given me a collection of books and one of the had folktales in it. I pulled one out that was written in the 1920’s and that is where I found How the Finch Got Her Colors.  It wasn’t a story per say, it was more of a short story with a moral. I was drawn to it and knew if I tried my hand at it I could create a story using the characters and the moral. So, I sat down and got to work. That is how the Finch was born 😊.

What has been your students’ reaction to your book?

My students were in awe the first time I read it to them. The illustrations are so vibrant that they pull you in. 
I agree! Your book is absolutely stunning. I love all the colors. 
Because your book is a folktale, I’m interested to know what lesson you hope children uncover as they read the story of Finch?

In terms of lessons, I want my readers to connect with the messages of patience and friendship. Patience comes with practice and at 5 and 6 it’s still not an easy concept to grasp. In the scene where Finch is awaiting his turn, Helena’s illustration captures that emotion so beautifully you don’t even need the text to figure out what’s happening. In fact, I stopped on that page and had the children discuss the illustration and all of them made the connection that Finch felt sad because he waited and then the colors ran out. They connected emotionally with his sadness and the feeling of being left out.
The other message I want readers to connect with is friendship. The birds realized that something was wrong and wanted to help their friend. The true meaning of friendship is something I think they can and will relate to as well. 

Solid messages for children! My next question is about your experience as a new author.
Many people aspire to write children’s books. What advice can you offer them based on your journey to publication? How did you find the right match with your publishing house?

When I set out on this journey I had no idea where to begin. I started with contacting a local author and asking her for advice.  She offered one piece of advice and that was to join SCBWI (The Society of Children’s Book Writing and Illustrating). She told me that everything I needed to know would be on this site. So, a few weeks later I joined. I read every forum on publishing that I could find. I researched how to write a query letter and where to send unsolicited manuscripts as I didn’t have an agent (I still don’t for that matter!). I also found a few people who were willing to critique my story. After a few weeks of editing both my story and my query letter, I felt confident enough to send my story out. I selected a few publishers that were open to unsolicited manuscripts, sent them off and waited to hear. To my surprise in 2 months time I had a few offers on it! Of the 4 contracts I was offered, I narrowed it down to two. I reached out to authors from each of the publishing companies to ask about their experiences. I spoke with the CEO’s of both publishing houses and asked a lot of questions. I was given the contracts to review and I went with Familius. From my first email with them, through the phone calls etc. I knew this was the place for Finch. Everyone in the Familius family has been wonderful to work with. It has been an incredible journey and one I feel so blessed to be experiencing.

The best advice I can offer aspiring authors is to ask someone outside your circle to critique your work. Your friends and family love you and don’t want to hurt your feelings. You need someone who doesn’t have a personal connection with you to evaluate your writing. I would also strongly encourage them to join SCBWI. One last piece of advice is not to give up. There will be many nos along the way and those can get you down– but just remember J.K. Rowling didn’t take no for an answer 😊imagine if she had?!!

It sounds like it has been a wonderful journey…and thanks for the excellent advice.  I really appreciate your willingness to stop by and share your story. I wish you the best of luck with Finch as well as your future writing endeavors!

Author Bio: Annemarie Riley Guertin graduated with a bachelor of science degree in early childhood education from Wheelock College and a master’s degree (summa cum laude) in elementary education from Fitchburg State University. Annemarie is an adjunct early childhood professor and a first grade teacher. She lives in Haverhill, Massachusetts, with her husband, Michael and their two children.

Book Review and Author Interviews

Author interview with Katy Farber about new book release SALAMANDER SKY

I recently became acquainted with a fabulous group of writers.  We all have one thing in common.  We are 2018 debut picture book authors.  We have a new website that promotes our books.  You can find all of us at:  Fireworks and Foliage Debut Picture Book Authors and Illustrators
One if the authors is Katy Farber. Her book, SALAMANDER SKY released this week. I’m thrilled for her accomplishment, and wanted to take a moment to interview her and get the inside scoop.  Her book looks fascinating!

Here is the link where you can order SALAMANDER SKY online:

Katy, thanks for stopping by!  I’m so glad you could join me today to talk about your new book, SALAMANDER SKY.  If you don’t mind, let’s get right to the questions!
It seems like you have a true passion for nature.  Have you always had this passion, or was there a life experience that caused it to exist and/or grow? 

I remember visiting my grandmother and wading up the stream behind her house. I loved the way the mud felt between my toes, and discovering growing tadpoles among the mossy rocks. But I also remember my parents calling me in from the creek, saying, that water is polluted! The pipe above stream is pumping in waste! I was outraged in my 8 year old body. I wrote a series if tiny books about that creek, a local river, and a giant teddy bear that was missing an eye. Turns out, the bear saves the creek and river from pollution. 

The tree behind my house was my world away from everything. I would take my pillow up into the giant tree and read, draw and daydream for hours. These memories fueled the kind of writing I do today. 

I can see how the wading experience would leave quite an impression on you as a young child. I love that you were a writer even from a young age. I’m also fascinated by the giant tree–that seems like something out of a book. Every child should have a tree like that! I know I would’ve loved one.
My next question is… what inspired the story Salamander Sky?

Salamander Sky was a poem I wrote when considering the brief, magical, and fleeting migration events on the dirt road in front  of my house. I had always loved searching for salamanders and frogs in the spring, and had been helping them cross safely for years. Then I had my daughters, and I knew I wanted to share this with them. We have gone out and helped the salamanders and frogs cross since they could stay up late enough to join me.  I thought about how I could inspire kids and families to head out into the rainy nights and experience the magic themselves, and I wrote this story. 

But really, the inspiration started long before that, when I found my first newt in a Pennsylvania creek and found it fascinating and beautiful.

That sounds like a really fun parent-child adventure! For those of us who have not ever experienced a salamander crossing, can you describe the experience more in-depth? What is the highlight of experiencing it? If you go out to try this, what should you bring? What should you wear?  

The highlight for me is when the light from your flashlight falls on a tiny, vulnerable creature, and you go to it, carefully pick up, visit for a moment, and release it safely. You see the tiny toes, the round eyes, the long tail. There is a deep connection, a feeling of purpose and warmth in knowing that you helped this creature survive. 

You should wear all your rain gear, rain books, a reflective vest, and a headlamp. If your children are very young, a bucket helps for placing the animals in gently for the crossing. You should wear a ball cap so water doesn’t drip into your eyes, and prepare to get wet! It is all part of the experience. You are also teaching your children to not be afraid of the night and dark. Of course, be on the constant lookout for cars and have a plan for moving to the side of the road immediately if one is coming, no matter what.

I think I found the next thing to put on my bucket list. Absolutely fantastic!  Thanks for sharing! My next question is in regards to those who read SALAMANDER SKY. What take-away do you hope your readers gain from your book? 

I hope that readers take away an awareness of the importance of salamanders to forest ecology and the biodiversity of our world, and how they can participate in citizen science to help vulnerable populations of different species. I hope readers fall in love with the salamanders like I have, and vow to protect nature in all the ways they can. I also hope we inspire more girls to become scientists and activists. 
I love your answer!  I hope they they gain those take-aways, too!  I am also curious, who is your illustrator?
I feel so lucky to have Meg Sodano’s incredibly beautiful and moving illustrations in this book. They extend and deepen the story, they inspire, they transport, and they so clearly teach about the spotted salamander species, and April and her mom’s experience and joy in helping them. 
Let’s get practical. I’m sure you have a few writing tips and techniques up your sleeve that could really help beginning writers. Would you mind sharing some advice?
Write with reckless abandon. Explore your world through words, write about what bothers you, how you think the world should be, whatever is in your mind. Silence your inner critic and anyone else who limits your ideas. Bring a journal with you everywhere– capture ideas and your thoughts before they move on. 

Those are some excellent words of wisdom. And, I just have to ask…do you have any other future works to promote? 

I have two other works in various phases right now, but I would love to share about my middle grade eco-adventure novel published in 2015 called The Order of the Trees (Green Writers Press).  Cedar was found as a baby under an old growth tree in the northern Vermont woods.  She’s as different from the other kids as she could be. Cedar finds her first friend, Phillip, and shares her forest home with him. When Cedar suddenly falls ill Phillip has to figure out why and fast– before he loses her forever.

I learned something new about you today. I didn’t know that you are also a middle grade author. That is so wonderful. A big congratulations on your 2015 eco-adventure novel, and now, with this debut picture book. SALAMANDER SKY looks very fascinating!  I wish you all the best.  Thank you so much for stopping by to chat with me today!

Katy Farber website

Katy Farber is a writer, researcher and educator from Vermont. She has loved and defended salamanders since standing in a Pennsylvania creek at the age of ten. Salamander Sky is her first picture book. Her other book for children is a middle grade novel called The Order of the Trees, which won Green Earth Honor book award in 2015. She also writes about education, the environment, parenting and sustainability for various websites and publications.

Book Review and Author Interviews

Author interview with Rebecca J. Gomez

I’m thrilled to welcome children’s book author Rebecca J. Gomez to my blog today.  Rebecca is the author of WHAT ABOUT MOOSE (Atheneum 2015) and HANSEL AND GRETAL: NINJA CHICKS (Putnam  2016). 

Rebecca, thank you so much for being willing to join us and answer a few questions.  I can’t wait to hear the inside scoop on your writing.

Let’s get to the questions! 

First, I see that you have a writing partner, Corey Rosen Schwartz.  How did you get started working together? How do you collaborate together to create a manuscript? Do you still write together?

Corey and I met in 2005 when we were members of the same online critique group. Corey liked working with a partner, and she asked me if I would consider collaborating. I said yes, and we have been writing together ever since!

We do a lot of brainstorming together. Once we hit on an idea that appeals to both of us, we open a document on Google drive and just start writing! For the most part, we write together from beginning to end, but we occasionally separate if we get stuck or if our visions aren’t completely meshing. 

Technology makes that possible–so fascinating. That must involve a lot of mutual trust and respect. Your collaborations have definitely produced some wonderful books!

I wanted to ask you about rhyme and rhythm. Your book WHAT ABOUT MOOSE demonstrates that you have a wonderful flair for rhyme and rhythm.  Do you have any “tips” for authors who are trying to hone their skills at rhyming?

Thank you! I think one thing that makes my and Corey’s rhyme really work is that we live in different parts of the country, so what rhymes for me doesn’t always rhyme for her. We have to work extra hard to make sure the rhymes “work.” This is true for the rhythm too. I think authors who write on their own can learn from that. So one piece of advice is to find a variety of readers, especially readers who talk a little differently than you, to see how well your work flows for them. 

I also suggest reading a lot of rhyming books and taking note of what works and what doesn’t. Rhyming well is hard work, so don’t do it if you’re not willing to commit. In truth, no rhyming book will be perfect for every reader, but it’s worth the effort to make it as smooth as it can be.

I never considered the different ways of pronouncing English, and I’m even a language teacher. Great advice!  

Next, I noticed that you are working on a middle grade fantasy novel.  How is the technique for picture book writing different for you than when you are writing a longer manuscript? Which you do you prefer and why?

In some ways it’s very similar. When I write, whether it is a short picture book or a novel, I tend to focus on getting the story down and not worrying about good writing. Then I let the draft sit before reading through it to tackle revisions. For a picture book, I leave it for a few days or a week. For a novel, I leave it for a few weeks at least.

But writing a picture book, especially a rhyming picture book, is generally harder than writing a novel. I think that’s because there is so much story to fit into so few words. When I’m writing a novel, I feel like I have so much room to work with, so much of the story and characters that I can explore. There’s a sense of freedom that I don’t have when writing a picture book. But I love the unique challenge that writing a picture book presents. A well-written picture book is one of life’s best things.

That said, my favorite thing to write is the verse novel. It combines the conciseness of a picture book with the freedom of a novel. It’s the best of both worlds!

Now I really respect you!  (I have to admit I googled verse novel) A verse novel sounds very complicated. I admire the skill it would take to do that! 

The next question comes from your social media presence. You seem to have a heart for parent-child connection through reading.  I notice you offer a free ebook, “How to SUPERCHARGE your story time,” and I see that you tweet regularly highlighting activities that parents can do with their children after reading a story.  What advice do you have for parents in today’s world of technology when it comes to reading with their children?  Why do you feel it is so important? 

Books and reading played a significant roll in my childhood. Though I don’t have a lot of specific memories of reading with my parents, poetry, stories, and books are woven in to my childhood memories. I remember books being around, especially Dr. Seuss and Shell Silverstein, and I can still hear my mother’s voice reading The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert Service. And I remember my mother telling me about her favorites and recommending some of them to me as I got older.

There are lots of reasons to read with your children, not the least of which is that it helps establish a foundation for learning. But to me, the best reason to read with your kids is because of the way it helps you connect with them. Sharing a story is like sharing an experience that opens doors to discussions and even more experiences! That’s the thought behind my Read, Discuss, Do! social media campaign. When you read with your child, discuss the story with them, and do a fun activity together, you are creating fond memories, building a foundation for learning, and creating connections that will last a lifetime. 

My advice to parents is to read with their children every day, even before their children are born. I also think it’s important to make “story time” as pleasant as possible. Some kids are always willing to curl up with their mom or dad for a story. Other kids want to go, go, go! So, work with your kid. Read to them while they’re busy playing with blocks or splashing in the tub. Read to them at bed time or on the road. Don’t stop just because they get old enough to read on their own. Talk about the books you read together, and the books your kids read on their own. Draw pictures, act out stories, make the recipes at the ends of books! You can check out #ReadDiscussDo on Facebook and Twitter for more simple ideas. 

I also think it’s important to delay your children’s access to electronic devices as long as possible in order to encourage them to seek more healthy options of entertainment. This may seem obvious, but look around at how many parents are letting their toddlers play games on a tablet or phone when they are in public. It’s disheartening. Give your children books instead! (Or let them get bored. It’s good for them.) 
I couldn’t agree more! Keep up the great work producing resources for parents! I love the #ReadDiscussDo activities that you suggest!

Finally, I have to ask, what’s next? Do you have any upcoming publications that you can share with us?

Corey and I have a picture book forthcoming with Scholastic titled TWO TOUGH TRUCKS, which will be published some time in 2019, with a sequel to follow. I also have more news that I hope to be able to announce soon. Stay tuned!

WOW! Congratulations!  Two truck books on the way AND the promise of an announcement!  We will definitely be watching for your good news and celebrate with you!

Click here for Rebecca’s website

Author bio:

Rebecca J. Gomez doesn’t know much about building a tree house, but she is an expert at setting up blanket forts! When she isn’t building forts or writing books, she enjoys reading, making recycled art, and hanging out with her family. She lives in Nebraska with her husband, three kids, two poodles and one parrotlet. Visit her online at

Once again, Rebecca, thank you very much for taking the time to stop by and chat with me. I learned a lot from your answers and I wish you all the best!