Book Review and Author Interviews

Huge week ahead: Celebrating the release of GRANDMA SNUGGLES with author/illustrator interviews, video sneak peek, and a GIVE-AWAY!

It’s going to be a fabulous week here at Mindy Baker Books! I am hosting a BOOK GIVE-AWAY of Grandma Snuggles. Not only that, but BOTH the author and illustrator of Grandma Snuggles will be joining me on the blog to answer questions. Here is a peek at the line-up: (I can hardly wait!)

Grandma Snuggles

Monday: Interview with award-winning and best-selling author Glenys Nellist.

Tuesday: Interview with the incredibly talented illustrator of Grandma Snuggles, Gail Yerrill.

Wednesday: Videoclip of Glenys and Gail’s workspaces…a peek at where the magic happens!

Thursday: Special post about Glenys and Gail’s favorite illustrations from the book.

All week long you can enter to win the give-away!!!

Friday: I will post the WINNER OF THE GIVE-AWAY.

Here are the guidelines for the give-away!

  1. Follow @GlenysNellist, @Gail99art, and @mindybakerbooks) on Instagram. (Must follow all three) Links available at the end of this post..scroll down.
  2. Leave a comment on this blog post (or any post this week). Or leave a comment on any Instagram post this week.
  3. **NOTE: This giveaway is sponsored by Zonderkidz (Thank you, Zonderkidz!) and only open to residents of the USA who have a physical street address (no PO boxes.)

For an extra entry, become a follower of this blog.

For even more entries, tag a friend on any Mindy Baker Books INSTAGRAM post this week through Thursday! (Tag as many friends as you like for multiple entries.)

I hope that all of you enter to win! Good luck!

And now for today’s big event…the interview with Glenys Nellist!

Glenys, it is such an honor to have you visit my blog this week. Thank you very much for being here. I know everyone is excited to talk with you so let’s jump right into the questions...

What inspired you to write Grandma Snuggles?

Ever since I wrote the board books, God Made Mommy Special and God Made Daddy Special, I’ve been asked the same question, over and over… when are you going to write God Made Grandma Special? So here it is, except that it’s called Grandma Snuggles because my publisher, Zonderkidz, thought that this was a more appealing title. 

It is such an appealing title. The relationship between grandparent and child is so special!! And snuggly. 🙂 What is your favorite illustration from the book and why?

It is SO hard to choose, because every spread by Gail Yerrill is wonderful! If I had to pick one animal spread, it would have to be Grandma Cat, but my favorite illustration is actually this last one, where the human grandma is featured. I love it because it reminds me of baking with my four young grandchildren, which they all love to do.

Make sure to come back on Thursday to see the post that reveals the Grandma Cat and the human grandma! They are very adorable!

Glenys, I also wanted to talk about your newsletter. I really enjoy receiving that each week, and I wanted to make sure that everyone knows about it. What inspired you to write your weekly newsletter Links to Lovely Things and how do you curate the content for that?

I used to write a quarterly newsletter where I featured only news about my own books. But about six months ago I decided to begin a weekly newsletter that might appeal to a wider audience. I think we’re all in need of some loveliness in our world right now! I search for five or six lovely things to share each week, such as good news stories I come across, new children’s book releases, lovely photographs, poems, crafts for kids or heart-warming articles. We live in such a busy world, and so my tagline is: Follow the links you like, leave the ones you don’t. If you’d like to check it out, here’s my most recent one:

Latest Link to Lovely Things

Wonderful! I hope that you all sign up for it if you haven’t already! Finally, do you have any ‘news’ that you’d like to share with us about upcoming projects?

Well I’d really love to be able to say that Grandpa Snuggles is in the works, but so far, it’s only written in my head! I’m hoping that I’ll be able to release that title one day, but I think it will depend on the sales of Grandma Snuggles. In the meantime, October will see the return of Little Mole in a story of kindness and generosity called Little Mole’s Christmas Gift, and in the spring of 2021, I’m looking forward to the second book in the Twas series, called Twas The Morning of Easter. Later next year, I also have a Storybook Bible coming out, which is a first for me, so I’m very excited about that.God is good, and I’m so very blessed to be able to write for children. 

Your books are wonderful, Glenys. I wish you all the best… with Grandma Snuggles, the new releases coming up that you mentioned, and the many more titles you are sure to publish! Thank you very much for joining this week here at Mindy Baker Books. It was a treat to talk with you!

P.S. One more fabulous thing! You will want to check out this lovely book trailer video! You will definitely want to order the book after viewing!

Link to buy the book

Link to author website

Link to illustrator website

Instagram Glenys Nellist

Instagram Gail Yerrill

Instagram Mindy Baker Books

Thanks for joining me today! See you tomorrow for the interview with Gail Yerrill!

P.S. Don’t forget to enter to win!

Book Review and Author Interviews, Writing tips

Interview with Bonnie Clark, author of TASTE YOUR WORDS

I’m so excited to introduce my special guest to you today. It is Bonnie Clark, debut picture book author of TASTE YOUR WORDS which is being released on April 7 by WorthyKids. It is illustrated by Todd Bright.

Taste Your Words Cover
Cover Photo

Thanks for joining me, Bonnie! First off, I LOVE the title and idea for your book. It seems so relevant for not only children, but all of us as we think about our speech. I have to ask you, where did the idea for this book originate?

The idea for TASTE YOUR WORDS originated with myself and my children when they were younger and learning to communicate with each other. (LOTS of sibling squabbles!) Inspired by Proverbs 16:24, I would tell them to taste their words before they let them out of their mouth. The idea that we could taste our words was fun and I was surprised at how quickly they understood the concept.

That really does make the concept more understandable. I love it! I am also wondering what sparks your creativity as you contemplate new ideas for your picture books? 

I think all writers are noticers first, and I get inspired almost everywhere I look. But most of my inspiration comes from my personal experience and interaction with my children. If I discover something that is helpful or interesting, the writer/mother in me wants to communicate it well (simply and entertaining) through a picture book.

We really do write from our own experience, don’t we? I am also curious about your writing process. How do you shape a new book into completion?

After I’m inspired, I write my thoughts in an outline or first draft that I hope no one ever reads! I meet monthly with my kidlit Critique Group and at this point I may run the idea by them to get their opinion on the project. After I get the idea out, I begin creating the story. I usually know how I want to end it- the problem I want the main character to solve, but the challenge is creating the arc and timing of events. Again, I will get feedback from my group about what is working and what is not and eventually the story starts to emerge. I personally like to paginate my manuscripts because page turns are important in picture books and help with the pacing. When I start to feel good about a manuscript, I will then start trimming. Word Count is another important piece of picture book writing and I like to keep mine around 500 or less. When I feel like its getting closer I’ll read it to my kids (my OTHER critics!) and then I’ll send it to my agent Adria Goetz for her review (with my fingers crossed). 🙂

Very interesting! It is definitely a process, isn’t it? I have also found a critique group to be very helpful. I love the cover for the book. Do you have a favorite illustration in the book? What is it and why is it your favorite? 

Oh wow. That’s a really hard question and you will understand when you see these AMAZING illustrations by my step-brother Todd Bright. He is an incredibly talented and accomplished animator and he has indeed made this story come to life on the pages. BUT if I had to choose, I think my favorite spread is the “ah-ha” moment in Amera’s bedroom after she has struggled through her day and finally discovered how to turn it around. It is an incredibly sweet scene and the light pouring in the window is just gorgeous. I love her expression and the way she is sitting on the bed. And the picture on the wall behind her has a special meaning for me personally. You’ll have to wait until April 7th to see it!

I am really looking forward to “seeing” what you are describing! Now that you have a book published, do you have any inspiration or words of advice to share for other debut authors? 

My biggest piece of advice for any aspiring author is to join SCBWI and get involved in a critique group that will give honest and kind feedback. For me, my group of Kidlit authors and illustrators have been an invaluable piece of my journey to publication. I couldn’t imagine making my way in this industry without their constructive criticism and timely advice. I joined the group to learn and as a bonus I’ve made some pretty incredible (and talented!) friends.

Do you have any other exciting news that you can share with us about upcoming books?

2020 will be a BIG year for me… TASTE YOR WORDS will launch on April 7th and my second picture book CATCHING THOUGHTS will launch August 11th. While TASTE YOUR WORDS is a book about speaking kind words, CATCHING THOUGHTS addresses mental health- a topic that I am passionate about and hope that kids who are struggling will find helpful.

Both are such important topics and issues. Sounds wonderful! I wish you all the best, Bonnie! Thank you again for answering my questions!

Thank you for having me Mindy! I hope your 2020 is full of yummy words and beautiful thoughts.

Pre-order TASTE YOUR WORDS on Amazon at this link.

Author Bonnie Clark
Author Bonnie Clark

Author Bio:

Bonnie Clark loves books that make her laugh, cry, or think for a long time. She enjoys writing for children because she believes that childhood is the most important time in a person’s life–the time that shapes who we become as adults. When she isn’t writing, Bonnie does yoga, reads books, raises three adorable kids, and drinks lots of coffee. Bonnie lives in Canton, Georgia, with her husband, their children, and two French bulldogs.

You can find out more about Bonnie Clark at her website.

Follow Bonnie on Intstagram, Facebook, and Twitter! See links from her website.

Book Review and Author Interviews, Writing tips

Curious about NON-FICTION KIDLIT and WRITING FOR HIRE? Author Cindy Argentine gives the inside scoop!

Author photo
Author Cynthia Argentine

One of the best things about writing has been the friendships that I have made along my journey. Several years ago, I met Cindy through a SCBWI critique group. She is amazing! I really admire and respect her writing, and deeply value her thoughts and comments on my developing manuscripts. I invited her to stop in for an interview. I think you will LOVE her thoughtful answers to my questions.

1. Cindy, thanks for joining us! My first question is about ideas. As a non-fiction picture book writer, where do you get your ideas and inspiration?

So many places! Ideas really are everywhere. Often, I get ideas from what I’m reading. One of my current works-in-progress stemmed from a single sentence in an article in Smithsonian magazine. It mentioned a woman from Indiana whom I’d never heard of before. My curiosity led me to investigate, and I was excited about what I discovered, so I’m writing about it! Another picture book idea came from a speech given by a NASA administrator who was visiting my college. She mentioned a woman with a fascinating past whom I decided to write about. Other times, I draw inspiration from what I see in the natural world. I love to take walks without my phone or any other device and simply watch all the activity humming around me—the trees, wind, clouds, and animals. Probably the other main source of ideas for me is my memory. I like to remember what I was fascinated by as a child and build on that.

2. Very interesting! Also, do you have any tips on research? How do you keep your research organized?

I’ve noticed that most nonfiction writers love research. So, one of my tips involves something I continue to work on—which is knowing when to stop doing research and start writing. Until the book is done, the research never truly ends. But I reach a point when I realize I have enough facts and historical context, as well as an emerging sense of theme and voice, to envision or “feel” what I want the book to be. At that point, it’s time to write!

I keep my research organized in computer files and paper files. There are often dozens of sources for each project’s bibliography (including books, articles, interviews, videos, etc.). I keep track of them using tools like EasyBib. As I read for research, I take notes, sometimes on paper and sometimes on my computer. When I read sources online, I print out the most important pages. I file the notes and pages by topic—I have multiple file boxes per book sometimes!

For most projects, I footnote my early drafts as I go so that I know the source of each statement or quotation. I omit the footnotes as I edit and revise, but I can always go back to a saved version of that early draft if I need to check a source.

3. Sounds like a good system to try! Also, I’m curious, was your recent book STEAM Jobs in Cypersecurity a work-for-hire project? How did you discover this opportunity? What did you enjoy about this type of project?

Cover of Steam Jobs in Cybersecurity
Steam Jobs in Cybersecurity by Cynthia Argentine

STEAM Jobs in Cybersecurity was a work-for-hire project. I’m in a few online writers groups, and one day last summer I saw a well-known author post that she had met an editor at a conference who wanted to expand her pool of authors for nonfiction books. I submitted a cover letter, resume, and writing samples to that editor right away. A year later, I received an email from the publisher asking whether I’d like to write this book. I was thrilled!

I wanted to accept this project for a couple reasons. One, I had recently read Countdown to Zero Day by Kim Zetter. I was already intrigued by the concept of cyber-war and the need for national as well as personal cybersecurity, so I was happy to research this further. Two, I have a good deal of experience writing to a specific age range and word length with the journalism I’ve done, and I was eager to apply those skills to a longer work. It’s like a puzzle, really. You have all this information and all these ideas and you have to prioritize and choose and fit them into a set number of chapters and sidebars and photo captions. I found that challenge to be fun.

4. Very fascinating! Finally, what advice do you have for authors trying to break into publication?

Persevere, and enjoy each step of the journey. One of the joys of publication is knowing that readers will actually read what you’ve spent weeks, months, or years writing. That is fulfilling. And before that happens, there is a lot of work. There will be rejections. There will be bad first drafts. There will be moments when you wonder if you should be spending your time doing something else. So what makes this worthwhile during the waiting and hoping? For me, it boils down to three things:

·         The joy of discovery—being engrossed in learning deeply about what I want to share.

·         The joy of community—writing is often solitary, but I have made WONDERFUL friends through critique groups and conferences.

·         The joy of creating—which is at the heart of this for me. When I think about gathering what I’ve learned, all the things about a topic that have angered or saddened or inspired me, or made me laugh—and I take all of that and shape it into something new, to share with others, using words and the sounds of language—that’s magical to me.

Thank you so much, Cindy. Your passion for your writing really shines through. I wish you all the best on your future projects!!

Thanks, Mindy, for interviewing me. I hope this is helpful to your readers!

You can find out more about Cindy and her writing by visiting her website at

You can purchase her latest release STEAM Jobs in Cypersecurity on Amazon at this link.

Author life, Book Review and Author Interviews

Author Interview with Natalee Creech about her book NOTHING

Cover of NOTHING
From Nothing, written by Natalee Creech, illustrated by Joseph Cowman. Published by WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group. All rights reserved.

Today I am interviewing author Natalee Creech about her new picture book Nothing. If you haven’t seen this book, you should definitely put it on your list. It is darling, and best of all, packed full of TRUTH that can impact the hearts of the children in your life!

First, I have to ask, what inspired this story? And, in addition, what do you hope your readers take away from reading your book?

I started writing NOTHING when I was teaching first grade at a Christian school. I was always on the lookout for books (songs, poems etc.) that would reinforce our weekly Bible lesson and memory verse. It was easy to find books that focused on heroes of the Bible and well-known stories, but harder to find books about a specific verse or theological concept. I don’t think I had decided to try and become a published children’s author when I began writing NOTHING. Rather, it grew out of my teaching, my faith, and my hobby of writing poetry. When I did decide to pursue publishing, it was a piece that I continued to work on. 

Ultimately, NOTHING is about God’s unconditional love. It reassures children that wherever they go they can never go away from his love, and they can never lose God’s love because of their actions. Readers may find that it’s also about forgiveness, grace, and parents’ unconditional love. Romans 8:38-39 is a powerful reassurance for children and adults alike. How amazing (and humbling!) that the God of the universe loves us, and that there is nothing in all creation that can separate us from that love! 

That is a powerful truth for sure and an important take-away for all of us! My next question is to help new authors and writers. What advice would you give new authors for brainstorming story ideas? 

If you are a picture book writer I would say to write down any glimpse of potential brilliance as soon as it comes to mind. It may or may not turn into a book, but if you don’t record it, you will surely forget it, no matter how many times you repeat it to yourself and promise yourself you will not! Yes, I am speaking from experience here, and, shamefully, it took multiple times to learn this lesson. Make it a habit to carry around a notebook because somehow this act heightens your general awareness. Just having the intention of writing ideas down tunes you in more closely to your surroundings. You might be surprised what you notice when you take the time to listen and see. 

I love the notebook idea! I will have to try it. Would you mind describing your road to publication? How did you find your agent and publisher?

I have always loved children’s books; as a child, as a college student studying education, and as an adult before having children of my own. However, it took me a long time to admit to myself and to my family that writing for children was a dream I wanted to pursue. In 2015 I joined the SCBWI. I wrote while I was teaching full-time. When we moved from South Korea back to the United States for a few years I chose to find a job that didn’t occupy my mind outside of work hours as much as teaching did. I had a hard time turning off my teacher brain outside of school and wanted to have more creative energy for writing. Fortunately, the public library was hiring and it was the perfect place to work while taking steps toward becoming published. During the time I was in the U.S. I connected with my agent, Adria Goetz, through #faithpitch. I also wrote the manuscript which turned into my first picture book WHEN DAY IS DONE. (Beaming Books, February 2019) Adria sold NOTHING to Worthy Kids a few months later. 

Congratulations! It is really fun to hear “road to publication” stories. Everyone’s journey is so unique. Also, I really loved the illustrations in your book. Do you have a favorite page/illustration in the book? If so, what is it and why? Did you submit your manuscript with any illustrative notes or did you leave it all up to your illustrator and publisher?

I love all of the illustrations! Joseph Cowman did an absolutely amazing job. I was nervous about the illustrations because they are so critical to a picture book’s success. We judge books – especially picture books – by their covers and illustrations every day. That being said, I didn’t submit any art notes with the manuscript. 

Interestingly, my favorite illustration is part of a substory that I did not detail in the text. Near the end of the book a little girl joyously rides her bike through a garden of yellow tulips, totally decimating them in the act. On the next page she realizes what she has done and presents her father with a bouquet of the tulips. Then comes my favorite illustration with the text: “You’re loved and forgiven. What a wonderful thing! You’re adopted as God’s own. You’re a child of the King!” You see the girl, lifted high in her father’s hands as he spins her around. The girl wears a garland of yellow tulips on her head. I love the symbolism of the flowers as a crown, matched to the text about being a child of the King. I also love that the tulips, representing her sin, through grace become a symbol of redemption. Even though the idea of forgiveness and redemption was in my text it was the illustrator, art director and editor that provided all those details. 

Natalee's favorite spread
Natalee’s favorite spread from Nothing!

I really love this illustration, too. It is fun to “see” the one you like the most. Well, I have one more question for you, I’m wondering if you have any other exciting news you might like to share?

I just found out that NOTHING will be translated into Hungarian, which is amazing and humbling to me! 

Wow! That is really amazing news! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! Thanks so much for joining us today, Natalie. It has been a special treat to chat with you! I love your book so much, and its message. I am definitely planning to share it with the kids I teach in Children’s Church in the upcoming weeks. I wish you all the best!

Natalee Creech
Natalee Creech

How to connect further with Natalee:

