Hey Kids!
Looking for something fun to do? Here are a few ideas!
Make a “ME” box. Find an old shoe box and decorate it with colored paper, markers, and stickers. Inside, put lists of your favorite things…favorite books, favorite foods, favorite T.V. shows, favorite movies, favorite activities… you get the idea. Also, photos are fun—do you have any photos of friends or family members? What little items can you put in the box to represent you? A shell (you like the beach), a small stuffed animal, a medal you won for a music award or sports award? Be creative! Share your “ME” box with your family!
Paint a rock. First you have to find a cool rock. Look around or even go on a walk with your mom or dad to find a special rock. What animal shape does it look like? A fish, a bumblebee, a tiger? You could paint it into a monster! You can also paint a special word like HOPE, or FAITH, OR LOVE. Maybe it would look good with your name on it, or a design. When you are finished, find a special place to display it. (Acrylic paint works the best, but it stains so wear a paint shirt!) .
Check out my Pinterest board loaded with rock painting ideas!
Make an obstacle course. (inside or outside) What will be your obstacles? Do you have any hula hoops? Chairs? Pool noodles? Laundry baskets? Do you have to crawl, jump, skip, walk backwards, balance something on your head, throw a ball, spin in a circle? Where is your starting point? Where is your ending point? Find a friend or a brother or sister and time each other to see who can complete the obstacle course the fastest
Have a dance party. Put on some funky tunes and bust a move! Invite a friend over or ask your brother or sister to dance with you. You can even make up a fun routine and perform it for your mom or dad.
Build a fort. All you need are a few blankets and you can usually hang them over something to create a fort. Drape them from the top bunk or over a table. Move a chair or couch out a little and create a space behind it. You might want a stuffed animal, a flashlight, a good book, and maybe even a snack.
Try this word search
Word search for Mouse’s Christmas Gift
What ideas do you have? I’d love to hear them!!