Writing Picture Books A Hands-On Guide From Story Creation to Publication by Ann Whitford Paul . This book is GOLD! Crystal Bowman introduced this book to a workshop I attended during a Writing Conference in Grand Rapids.
Children’s Writer’s WORD BOOK by Alijandra Mogilner & Toyopa Mogiliner.
Another recommendation by Crystal Bowman at the conference. It tells you what grade level different words are so that you can target your writing for a certain age of child.
Here are some links to helpful information:
Ten Things You Might Not Know About the Publishing Business
5 Things You Might Not Know About Publishing a Book
I took classes here and it was worth every penny! Institute of Children’s Literature
Picture Book Summit –May be something of interest to you!
Author Josh Funk: Check out this author–tons of good advice!
Books & Such Literary Agency – I have gained valuable insights from their workshops and conferences. I count it a blessing to be represented by this agency!
Steve Laube Agency –has a great blog filled with advice and offers a Christian Writers Institute. He has great classes!
Chicken Scratch Books– have amazing video classes that are well-worth the investment!
SCBWI – Where would I be without my critique group from this professional organization? I have also attended many virtual workshops and a few conferences. All have been helpful!