Today I have a treat for you! Author Laura Sassi has stopped by to share Five Fun Facts about her new release from Worthy Kids entitled Faithful Feet! Thanks for being here, Laura. What are your facts?
Thanks for having me on your blog, Mindy! Here are the facts I thought of to share with your readers.
Fact One: This is my first book with Worthy Kids and my eleventh book overall. It’s the 10th that rhymes, the 5th to include references to specific Bible verses, and the first to be illustrated by an Italian ( and beautifully)! You can learn more about illustrator Emanuel Di Donna here. (https://thebrightagency.com/uk/childrens-illustration/artists/emanuela-di-donna)
Fact Two: Faithful Feet is inspired by a favorite Bible verse of mine from the Old Testament. From Isaiah 52:7, it reads, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…” That image of feet running to tell of God’s amazing grace captured my imagination and I ran with it!
Fact Three: The opening of the book which begins “Feet are funny don’t you think?” was originally just a silly poem I wrote as a warm-up exercise to get my ideas flowing one morning several years ago. It remained unexplored in my writer’s notebook until one day, as I was looking through that old notebook, I spotted it. With the verse above (see Fact Two) already on my heart, I knew when I saw the poem that I had the opening for my book.
Fact Four: I had fun brainstorming which Bible characters’ feet to include in this rhyming narrative. I was striving to get a mix of male, female, young, old etc. I also wanted the feet to be hairy, smooth, dusty and so on, in keeping with that opening verse. Whose feet did I finally pick? Noah’s, Daniel’s, David’s, Mary’s and, of course, Jesus’s feet! I also included the feet of those who followed Jesus to listen and be healed, as well as the feet of the women who ran to tell the good news of Jesus’ resurrection that first Easter morning.
Fact Five: This book isn’t really about feet! As I explain in the “Author’s Note” at the beginning of the book, I think feet are a wonderful visual reminder and metaphor for what God desires most from us—that we actively trust, love, and walk with Him spiritually. So even though I use feet to tell this story, the book is really about actively loving and trusting God and letting His love flow through us to others.
Learn more about the book, including how to get the free activity kit, over at my website: https://laurasassitales.wordpress.com/books/faithful-feet/

I loved hearing these facts! In case you didn’t know I am hosting a SASSI BOOK BUNDLE GIVEAWAY over the next few days (January 9-11). You can enter to win Faithful Feet, and two of my favorite of Laura’s other titles. I will announce the winners on my blog and Instagram account on January 12th.
Thank you for having me as your guest, Mindy!
It is always a treat to have you visit my blog! Best wishes on a wonderful new title.
This giveaway is running from January 9-11, 2025.
To enter, click the link above and provide your first name and email.
This contest is open to residents in the continental United States with a USA postal mailing address.
One winner will be announced on Instagram and my website on January 12, 2025.
There is ONE PRIZE BUNDLE valued at $36.
Worthy Books will mail you the book Faithful Feet. Mindy Baker will mail you the other two books (My Tender Heart Devotions and Bunny Finds Easter).
By entering, you are consenting to receive occasional content from Mindy Baker. You may unsubscribe at any time.
What fun facts! Glad you featured Laura’s inspiring new book, Mindy! You can read my 5-star review on Amazon.
Thanks, Amy!
What a fun and unique concept. Can’t wait to read FAITHFUL FEET.
Can’t wait to read it!
Laura’s new book sounds amazing! I love the combination of feet and faith! Congratulations to Laura!
I love this new and inspiring book by Laura! And such interesting facts about it!
Thanks for all of your comments! I know you will enjoy this book!