So many points along the writing journey have required a leap of faith.
–Taking a writing course (even when it cost money)
–Believing that my manuscript was good enough to submit to an agent, magazine publication, or a book publishing house.
–Submitting the manuscript for the possible acceptance/rejection of that agent, publication, or a book publishing house. (FOLLOW THROUGH)
–Going to a Writing Conference
–Signing up for a 15 minute appointment with an expert at the Writing Conference
–Talking to other people that I didn’t know at the Writing Conference
–Joining a critique group
–Setting up a Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter promoting the fact that I am a writer.
–Actually telling people face-to-face that I am a writer. That was and is probably the hardest! Especially when I don’t have anything published to show for myself (yet)
I have taken each of these steps of faith along my writer’s path! And survived! God was (and is) with me every step along the way.
And, currently in my writing journey, I am facing another LEAP. Can’t explain the whole thing, but it is there. And looking very impossible!
So that’s why I’m reminding myself of the faithfulness of God.
Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Not to take this verse too far out of context but.. 1 Thess 4:24 “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.”
Many of Jesus’s miracles required the person he was helping to take a leap of faith.
Can you think of any examples?
Here’s an example from something I studied last week:
Jesus’s first miracle…turning the water into wine.
Have you ever noticed that the servants had to take the “water” to the master and present it to him as wine. The question is, when exactly did they KNOW they had wine in their jars?
I admire their faith.
I want to imitate their faith.
I will take my leap of faith. (Hold me accountable, please!)
I will let you know how it goes. Are you facing a leap of faith? I’d love to hear about it.
P.S. BTW, a good reminder. Even if what I want to happen doesn’t happen, God is there. And HE is enough!