My Faith

5 Minute Friday — INCLUDE

Even though it is late Saturday afternoon, I am still going to write my Five-minute-Friday prompt. I really enjoy seeing where each word takes me as I do the writing exercise for five minutes and then “tweak” my thoughts into a post. 
This week the word is INCLUDE.
This is the opposite of exclude. Seems obvious, right?
Have you ever thought of how good it feels to be included? 
And how bad it feels to be excluded?
  • Friendship groups of all types
  • Work cliques
  • Sports teams
  • Social media networking
  • Neighborhood get-togethers
  • The list goes on and on…

Let me give you an example of a powerful offer that is for all people…
Jesus came to give forgiveness and eternal life to anyone who believes.  
ANYONE! Now that is inclusion!
It doesn’t matter your race, your gender, your shoe size, your talents, your intelligence, your “coolness factor.”  You are included in this offer.  
“For God so loved the word that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life!” John 3:16
The offer of everlasting life is for ALL who believe! There are no strings attached. No special qualifications.   The gospel message is for everyone!
As for me, I gladly receive this offer. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and for the sin of the world, and I thankfully receive this gift of eternal life.  I am so thankful that I am included!
What about you? What’s keeping you from believing in Him?

My Faith

5 minute Friday — ADAPT

The first thing that comes to my mind with the word ADAPT is my teaching career.  

Way back when, long, long ago, I graduated from college and became a teacher. After teaching 5 years, I had a baby. I tried teaching AND mommying for a bit, but ended up becoming a stay-at-home for 12 years with my kids. After twelve years as a stay-at-home mom, there was a change in our family’s situation. At that point, for a variety of reasons, I decided to go back to the classroom

Once I landed the big job, boy was I in for a surprise. EVERYTHING had changed. 
When I left, I was excited to use a color transparency and a dot matrix printer. When I returned, my old manila file folders that I had kept all of my “great activities” and “useful documents” were laughable.  I HAD SO MUCH TO LEARN!
 I had to ADAPT.  It was necessary. TO SURVIVE!
What was my process?
  • First—I panicked (I’d be lying if I didn’t include this—it happened)
  • But then, I humbled myself, and began to ask questions.
  • I prayed for God’s help and asked other people for help.
  • I tried new things.
  • I made mistakes and experienced frustration. 

But I didn’t give up!
  • I pushed through the quitting points and made it to the other side.

And the things I am doing now in the classroom…are pretty cool
Way better than the “back in the day” stuff 🙂 
What’s the point in telling you all of this?
I’m just wondering if anyone out there might be stuck living out of a manila file folder when God wants to “wow” you with a new thing that seems a little “out-of-your-comfort-zone?” 
If so, maybe this small story of my teaching experience will encourage you to ADAPT.

I’ll keep adapting if you will, too! 

P.S. I’d love to hear about how you’ve had to ADAPT in some way.
My Faith

Five Minute Friday — RELEASE

Making a simple list today:

Things to release into God’s capable hands:

  • Fear
  • Worry
  • Doubt
  • Resentment
  • Bitterness
  • Anger
  • Problems I’m trying to solve on my own
  • Answers I’m waiting for (that are taking way too long)

I’m reminding myself that my joy does not depend on my circumstances, 

but rather…

It comes from choosing to live daily in God’s presence.

So, I’m loading up this hot air balloon with “my list” and releasing it up to God.

Time to walk by faith and not by sight!  Pretty sure the rest will fall into place.

**P.S.  How about your hot air balloon? What do you need to release to God today?