It is perfect for parents, teachers, Children’s Ministry leaders, Awana leaders, or anyone who is interested in teaching spiritual truth to children.
It includes teaching lessons, application worksheets, and crafts.
Here is the link to the download.
Merry Christmas!
Blog Tour #6 Five Fun Facts about MOUSE’S CHRISTMAS GIFT & a GIVE-AWAY
Over the last several years I have had the privilege of becoming friends with Glenys Nellist. She is such a wonderful person and a talented author. This week she is hosting me on her blog and we are sharing “5 Fun Facts” about Mouse’s Christmas Gift. Plus, we will be giving away a copy of my book. Check it out!
Here is the link:
Tea Party with Mouse
Blog Tour #5 Penelope Powell Takes Mouse to a Gala!
Check out these darling Christmas dishes–mouse-themed, of course! It seems that currently, everything in my life is mouse-themed. But I’m loving it! A big thanks to Penelope Powell for hosting the blog tour this week. Check out her thoughts at this link:
P.S She interviewed me earlier this year (Christmas in July post) so if you are interested, click over to read my answers to her questions.