Hey everyone! I have a special treat for you today! My friend Laura Sassi just released the third book in her TENDER HEART SERIES and she is here today to give us the inside scoop!

Here are 5 fun facts about her lastest release entitled MY TENDER HEART DEVOTIONS!
My Tender Heart Devotions: Five Fun Facts
Fact #1: I originally pitched My Tender Heart Devotions as a collection of 40 devotions. As I was writing it, however, the ideas kept flowing so I asked the team at Paraclete if we could expand it to 50. My editor said yes. Then I thought, why stop at 50? Why not make it 52 so that there could be one devotional for each week of the year? The team at Paraclete Press thought that was a great idea and so that’s why there are 52 in the final printed version.
Fact #2: This is the third in the My Tender Heart series. Expanding on the format of the first two books, My Tender Heart Bible and My Tender Heart Prayer Book, the devotional combines fun rhyming poems, scripture, short Biblically-grounded messages and Heart Moments of response to plant seeds of faith in tender hearts. I hope and pray this newest installment nurtures a new generation that loves digging into God’s word, connecting with Him through prayer, and responding by sharing God’s love with others.
Fact #3: Illustrator Sandra Eide and I both love dogs (and cats and bunnies and hamsters)! One of neat little details you will notice in this book and the other two in the series is that Sandra has included adorable dogs on many spreads. There’s even a canine cutie on the cover of the book (along with a cute kitten). As you read this book along with the other two, see how many dogs you can spot. And if you follow us on our socials you will quickly notice that we both like to post about our cute pooches, too. Woof! Woof!
Fact #4: This is my first book that includes an index! Because this book contains 52 devotions spanning 112 pages, I decided that a topical index might be helpful so parents, teachers, children’s ministry folk so they can more can quickly and easily find the devotion that fits the need of the moment. The index includes topics like forgiveness, patience, serving others, praising God and more.
Fact #5: There are many ways parents, pastors and teachers can use this sweet devotional to grow their children’s faith. Because there are 52 weeks in a year, a family or class can read and reflect on one each week during a family/class Bible study time. A children’s pastor can use selections from the book as the spark for a children’s message during a church service. But my favorite way might just be at night, as the cozy wrap up to story time so that a child’s day concludes with sweet thoughts of God’s love and a bedtime prayer.
I received a beautiful copy in the mail and I think it is one of the best new resources I have seen in a long time written to help you impart spiritual truth to your toddler or pre-school child! Each devotion has a simple poem, a vers, a kid-friendly lesson, and a heart moment. Its engaging lessons and charming rhyme are perfect of little hearts! You will definitely want to invest in this resource for your family!
You can order the book using this link: MY TENDER HEART DEVOTIONS
Find out more about Laura Sassi at her website: LAURA SASSI TALES
#mytenderheart #familyresources #devotions #familydevotions #preschool #paraclete